A Day of Practical Work at Holy Child Model Nursery Primary School

12 March, 2021

Learning could be fun!

Pupils recycle waste, they creatively make photo frame out of used straws.

It is definitely fun for pupils of Holy Child Model Nursery Primary School Otukpo, Nigeria as they roll out varieties of activities to mark a typical practical day.

In line with Goal 3 of Holy Child schools:

‘Holy Child Schools offer an intellectually challenging and creative program of study that develops a love of learning and academic excellence. Learners   are challenged to explore, develop and share their unique gifts and to appreciate and celebrate the gifts of others.’

Sr. Gloria Okoh, SHCJ the School Administrator and her team of staff continue to come up with creative ways to tap into the skills and talents of the learners and equip them to maximize their potentials. They offer that wholistic education the SHCJ is known for. Varieties are created to enable pupils excel in their studies and at the same time find fun in studying.

Here are photos of the different groups of pupils performing various activities, the kindergarten class was not left out, their practical for the day was eating of fruit salad.

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