Young Women Learn About Religious Vocation From SHCJ

3 February, 2020 The Vocation Director in the Society’s African Province and the formation team planned for a rally to create an awareness amongst young girls with the quest for religious vocation. The two-day programme focused on the religious life and experiences, religious life with emphasis on SHCJ, different stages of formation, and discernment. Day […]

Advent Reflections

  4th Sunday of Advent The LORD’s are the earth and its fullness; the world and those who dwell in it. For he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Psalm 24 Brother David Steindl-Rast talks about the overflow – which he describes as the ‘articulation’ or active response of thanksgiving, […]

Photos and Report: Reunion of Holy Child Old Girls, Calabar

By Ann Schulte, SHCJ 17th October, 2019 – “Back to School” and Greetings “My goodness I did not realize the school was so big!” someone exclaimed as we made our way to the school Assembly ground on 17th October, 2019.  We then realized this was the “Back to School” with the Old Girls in their […]

Photos: Schools Celebrate Foundation Day

17 October, 2019 Teachers and students in schools across the Society of the Holy Child Jesus’ African Province spent Tuesday celebrating the Society’s founding dates of October 13 and 15.

Photos: Perpetual Profession in Nigeria

17 September, 2019 On 10th August, 2019, three Holy Child Sisters professed their final vows at Church of the Assumption, Falomo in Lagos, Nigeria. The perpetual profession celebrants were Sr. Abah Blessing, Sr. Felicia Ezeobi and Sr. Stephanie Ugwu. Officiating at the profession was the Archbishop of Lagos, His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Alfred Adewale […]

St. Charles Lwanga School of the Holy Child Celebrates Kindergarten Graduation

30 July, 2019 St. Charles Lwanga School of the Holy Child in Walembelle, Ghana recently celebrated pupils graduating from kindergartens two to primary one. The school was founded on the 20th of October, 1998 with only 66 pupils enrolled into primary one. Today, the total population of the school is 489 pupils comprising of 98 […]

Holy Child Sister Publishes Book ‘Full of Hope’ for Youth

24 July, 2019 The Guardian (Nigeria) newspaper recently published an article about Holy Child Sister Antoinette Opara. Below is part of the article and a link to the item in full. “With Violet Oranges in Twilight, Rev. Sr. Antoinette Opara brings hope, valour and vigour to pupils and teenagers in the country who may be […]

Holy Child Senior High School Hosts Students from USA

12 July, 2019 In a Holy Child exchange program first, three students from Cornelia Connelly School in Anaheim, California, USA recently traveled to Holy Child Senior High School in Cape Coast, Ghana. The girls had an experience of a lifetime. Read Connelly teacher Mrs. Gloria Kam‘s blog to see their daily adventures. [arve url=”” /]

Holy Child Sister Reflects on Life-Transforming Experience

26 June, 2019 Holy Child Sister Clarence Uzogara has served as a 2018-19 panelist for The Life, Global Sisters Report’s monthly feature about the unique, challenging and very specific lives of women religious around the world. This month she responded to the question: Are there meaningful interactions with others for you, personally, or for your community […]

Second Term Highlights from Select Schools

30 April, 2019 Our Lady of Nigeria Secondary School, Oghara, Delta State (OLNSS) Amarachi Nnah, emerged as one of the Six Awardees of the Chris Ikomi Essay Competition, which took place last November throughout the state. There were 3,400 entries for the junior and senior categories, and Amarachi in JSS 2 made us proud. Sr. […]