16 November, 2021
Special report from Sr. Elizabeth Mgbaramuko, SHCJ, staff of National Catholic Secretariat Ghana on the Bishops courtesy call at the end of their plenary November 5 to 13th, 2021 at Wa:
Courtesy Call by the Bishops on the Upper West Regional Chief Imam, Alhaji Osman Mahama Kanihi and the Moslems at the Regional Capital, Wa, Ghana
I was encouraged by the Secretary to the Chief Imam to step right into their Temple Area to do my work – take the video clips, photos and report. The Bishops trekked for quite a distance before we could reach the Mosque, interacted with them, prayed for them and imparted their blessings on them. The Bishops also gave two copies of Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti to the Imam and explained that all human beings created in the image of God are called to live together in peace and friendship. The Secretary received the book with joy saying, we too belong to the Abrahamic Religions. In fact, the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC), is making every effort to engage not only the political groups but also the various religious groups especially the Moslems in meaningful dialogue.
I was particularly touched by their visit and discussions with the Chief Imam of the Region where the Plenary Assembly was held. Each of us may pick something to encourage us at our call to live out Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti. Let us continue to pray and work for peaceful coexistence.

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