God has continued to manifest his love and empower our mission of striving “to meet the wants of our age” through the kind generosity of our benefactors and benefactresses, sponsors, families and friends.
It is the generosity of these people who believe in us and in our mission that gave birth to not just the Cornelian Maternity and Rural Health Care Centre, but more recently a Holy Child Convent in Gidan Mangoro on the outskirts of Abuja, Nigeria.

From our being actively involved in the collaborative ministry in Loyola Jesuit College and having the opportunity of closely interacting at different times with the residents in the village of Gidan Mangoro, we had become acquainted with the crying needs of the people in this village and its environs. One of those needs was the need for a good quality, accessible, affordable and hygienic medical centre. The centre opened its doors to patients on 17th May, 2010.
On 2nd April, 2013 Sr. Rose Okafor and Cecilia Nya were presented with a wonderful gift of a piece of land measuring 100 by 100 feet in Gidan Mangoro by a woman (who wishes to remain anonymous) for the Holy Child Sisters to build a decent place to live in.
On presenting the land paper to us, the woman said, “…we truly appreciate the work you are doing in this area for God’s people. This little gift I am making to you today, I would very much wish it to remain between just me and my God…” She then promised us her continued support in whatever way she could.
The land is directly opposite our clinic, Cornelian Maternity and Rural Health Care Centre.
We are happy to share that, with the mobilization funds from our Province Leadership Team as well as the overwhelming financial support from friends within and outside Abuja, we been able to construct a one-story building. The convent has 10 bedrooms.

The Holy Child Convent, Gidan Mangoro, was blessed and dedicated by the Archbishop of the Metropolitan Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, on 21st December, 2013 all to the greater glory of God!