The Society of the Holy Child’s next Novice Director of the African Province is preparing to head back to her native Nigeria. Veronica Ufomba will start her new position beginning September 1.
She first moved to the United States in 2011 to teach at the Washington School for Girls. Two years later she entered Villanova University to earn her M.A. in Education with a concentration in Teacher Leadership.

With her diploma in hand, she is heading to Jos, Nigeria where she will work one-on-one with a dozen or so novices. Together with some SHCJ, she will accompany the novices and provide structures that will help them imbibe the spirit of the Society and be who God wants them to be.
SHCJ Novitiate in Jos is in the same large compound as the Centre for Renewal, where retreats, workshops, and seminars are conducted.
Veronica is originally from Imo State, Nigeria.
She said she has enjoyed living in the two SHCJ communities in Washington, D.C. and Rosemont, Pa. After her stint as novice director, she said she hopes to go back to working in education.
Veronica first encountered SHCJ at St. Mary’s Parish in Lagos, Nigeria in 1991. Before that she had no interest in religious life because in the remote village where she grew up she was not exposed to Sisters.
Still, where she grew up, religious life was and is highly valued. She entered the Society after three years of reflecting.
“What really attracted me first was the community living. Black, white, people from all nations lived together joyfully as a family.”
She never visited another congregation. And she said she has never regretted her decision.
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