16 November, 2021
Yesterday, Saturday 13th November, 2021 was the historic event of the annual Rally of the Missionary Childhood Association with the Archbishop of Lagos on the theme: “We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard” Acts 4:20. Children selected from the twenty deaneries in the Archdiocese of Lagos, MCA animators, Parish and deanery coordinators, parents, Priests and Religious converged in good number at Catholic Church of the Ascension, Airport road, Ikeja for this event.

The Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Lagos, Most Rev. Dr. Alfred Adewale Martins was represented by Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Kanebi Aniagwu, others on the officiating team were Rev. Fr. Sylvester Mary Oladunjoye, the Coordinator of the Propagation of faith, Fr. Simeon Irabor (Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), Very Rev. Msgr Jerome Oduntan – Coordinator of the Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU), Fr. Martinos Theodore (Coordinator of St. Peter the Apostle. (SPA).
There was a good turn out of Religious working with children in the parishes, Sr. Doris Gali, MCA Archdiocesan Coordinator and her team, other Holy Child sisters who graced the occasion are Sr. Angela Ojukwu, MCA Apapa Deanery Coordinator, the immediate past MCA Coordinator, Sr Faustina Ejeagu, Sr. Loretto Okwaraji, Sr Laura Boiye and Sr. Stephanie Ugwu.

Rt. Rev. Msgr John Aniagwu who was the chief celebrant and homilist reminded the children that God loves them, their parents, teachers, animators all love and care for them and are ready to give them every nurturing needed to live a good life. He urged them to be proud of their Catholic identity, pray in the catholic way when called upon in public to pray. He enumarated the major characteristics of Catholicism: The Catholic church worships Jesus in the Blessed sacrament, honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, honors the Saints, prays the Rosary, celebrates Mass. Be then a proud Catholic. Taking a cue from the Gospel parable, he admonished the children to persevere in prayer, wait on God and never lose heart, as his time is the best. During the Mass, there was an investiture of some individuals who have been of great support to the MCA over the years. Sir Soji Olagunju (KSG), brother of Sisters Josephine and Christiana Olagunju, SHCJ, who is the CEO and Founder of Lumen Christi Television network was honoured as a Grand Patron of the MCA. The Mass was preceded by a very warm Rally where the children thrilled all with their creative presentations. All the deaneries had opportunities to display their talents in a beautiful Match Pass, unity dance, tying of gele, choreography, etc.

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