News from Centre Cornelia Connelly Ndjamena-Chad

23 December, 2020

Annual Report September 2019      September 2020

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SHCJ Sisters working in the Center:

Sr Pauline Umeh (left in February 2020)

Sr Patricia Thomas

Sr Emmanuella Adinnu

Sr Nadège Mongar

Sr Theresa Nwaigwe

The academic year of October 2019 to September 2020 started on the 1st of October 2019. This was the official date for resumption for all institutions in Chad as directed by the Government of Chad. Many of our women and men resumed classes. The old and new students came in their numbers. There were also a lot of new students who  came to begin their studies in the different departments.

The Nursery children were not left behind, they came in large number, some were crying because they were coming to school for the first time while some were happy to be back to school and be reunited with their friends.

Some mothers were busy trying to console the crying babies while some teachers were also trying to keep the classes in order. There were a lot of activities going on at the same time in the different units.


Sewing Unit

This unit has: 35 first year students and  33 second year students. Total numbers of students in sewing is 68.


Cookery Unit

In this unit,  there were only fifteen (15) students. The first year are 06 (six) while the second years are nine (09).


Dancing and fashion parade by the students


Computer Unit

Due to the changes made in the Center,  we didn’t register new students in computer unit because of lack of space initially. But when we now created a space the cookery students started learning how to use computer. We have just four (4) old computers.


Library Unit

The library is mostly patronized by students on examination classes, therefore this time we had, fifteen (15) boys and two (02) girls who registered for the library, these bring the total number to seventeen (17) people.


The Wall

The centre has now walled the property round through the help of Sr. Kate Holmstrom.



In February 2020, the Government gave an order for the closure of all institutions due to the spread of corona virus. Therefore we dismissed all our students and everybody went home for safety. – Then on the 25th of May 2020, the government again gave another order for students who are in their final year to go back to school so as to prepare to write their final year examination. We resumed back to the centre with only the second year students. Their programme was completed and then they wrote their final examination.

The beginning of the academic year the total numbers of our sewing machines was twenty four (24) for the 68 students.

These made teaching and learning activities difficult for both the teachers and the learners. We were able to buy some (15) fairly used second hand and a few new machines which eased the problem.


Knitting-pullover machine

There is only one knitting machine in the centre. This is also another difficult area which does not really enhance proper learning and teaching activities in that area.

Embroidery machine

Our centre has only one embroidery machine for the students. It is also very difficult to teach students which just one machine.


Two categories of our students

  1. First category of our students: These are the students who are been sponsored by their parents or relations. These students spend two years either in sewing or in cookey units.
  1. The second category of our students is those who come and are been sponsored by some Non-governmental Organization (NGO) their period of training depends on their sponsors.


FONAP (Fonds National d’Appui pour la Formation Professionnelle)

FONAP is an Organization in collaboration with the Government to combat the problems of poverty and unemployment therefore they trained young venerable youth to get skill acquisition.

Right now, there fifty one (51) students who are learning sewing in our centre and the period for this training will last for nine (09) months. They started on the 6/8/2020 and it will end in May, 2021.



We thank Sr Kate Holmstrom and the AFE group who sent us money and this money was used to make the wall for the new property.

We also thank our SLT and PLT who have been supporting this mission in Chad. Our thanks also goes to Sr Evelyn Thompson who has also supported the building of the centre.

One Response to “News from Centre Cornelia Connelly Ndjamena-Chad”

  1. Irene Ekeng

    Great improvement from what I saw 2 years ago. Well done our Srs Evelyn and Kate and indeed our SLT and PLT . Not forgetting the afe group. May God in his own generous way continue to reward and increase you for helping his vulnerable and weak ones. Happy New Year and good job to our sisters in Tchad. Blessings and Love.
    Irene shcj.