21 February 2018
By Rev. Srs, Elizabeth Mgbaramuko, SHCJ and Stephanie Ugwu, SHCJ
Hello, all you lovers of physical fitness and fun amidst hard work, its secondary Schools inter house sports season here in Nigeria.
Our Lady of Nigeria Secondary School (OLNSS), Oghara brings you exciting moments of her Inter house sport Fiesta held Friday, 17th February, 2018.

Prior to the D-day, the naturally beautiful school field was further decorated with the four colours of the contesting houses – Green, red, blue and pink.
By 10. am Nigerian time, D-day, the dynamic school band took their stand, contestants were whistle –ready, guests were all eyes and the amiable Principal after the usual initial protocol, declared the event open.
The whole show kicked off with house parade in which each of the four houses made wonderful displays of the various cultural expressions of Nigeria. The four houses are also identified by colour as well as by Our Lady’s titles which the houses bear, thus, Green is for Regina Pacis, Blue, (Regina Angelorum), red (Regina Caeli) and Pink (Regina Mundi).
House parade was followed by the main events which included one hundred to four hundred metres junior and senior including relay, sack race, hurdle race, long hump, high jump, three-legged race, lime race, tug of war, fabulous race, invited schools relay race, staff race and parent’s race.
In the whole fiesta, the Pink house sprung surprises by coming-on tops, on the victory ladder for the first time in three consecutive years. If not that ‘nearly cannot kill a bird’, Pink house would have emerged overall best. The Pinkies admirably settled at overall second best; a position they shared with the Blues (Regina Angelorum).
This is the Lenten season. It favoured the red house (Regina Caeli). Like our Lord Jesus Christ, athletes from the red house literally shed their blood on the field to win victory for their house. Red house emerged overall best.
Notwithstanding, Pink house carried the day as their members apart from obeying rules and performing gallantly in the main events, also won in some rather para-sportive events such as fabulous race (race for fat persons), sack race and tug of war; thereby creating so much fun and laughter.
All these added to their visibility in the field and won them admiration of parents and guests as laughter became the order of the day.
In fact, this year’s OLNSS inter house sport is the best so far, as it combines serious athletics with fun to calm the nerves of parents, friends and well-wishers present, from tension being generated daily by the increasing insecurity in our beloved country, Nigeria. Please, enjoy the juicy details in pictures.
Pink House, we Won-o-o-o!!! Red House, we’re overall Best-o-o-o!!!
- Rev.Sr. Stella Okpunor, SHCJ
- Very colourful house parade
- House parade
- Cultural Displays
- Yoruba Culture
- Sack race
- Tug of war
- 200 meter race
- Up Pink!
- Up Pink!
- Medals galore
- Members of the High Table
- Happy staff
Beautiful! Great job sisters!