SHCJ Member Joins Ranks of Nigerian Society of Engineers

30 April, 2024

Sr. Rita Dania recently joined the ranks of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

The ceremony took place on the 20th of April at the NSE Headquarters in Abuja, where 28 new members were inducted into the NSE.

Sr. Rita, after sitting for her Council for Regulation in Engineering (COREN) exams, which gives her a license to practice engineering and confers on her the title “Engr.” proceeded to register as a member of NSE, which led to the induction ceremony. The chairman of the ceremony was the President of NSE, Engr. Margaret Aina Oguntala, FNSE who was represented by the Executive Secretary, Engr. Joshua Egub, FNSE.

The chairman encouraged the new members to stay within the association and to practice engineering with integrity, innovation and excellence. The inductees took and signed the oath afterward.

The auspicious occasion was graced by Sr. Angela Odoh, SHCJ and our Novice Liticia Jampana who represented the whole Society. Hearty congratulations to you Sr. Rita!

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