Statement from Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
American Province Leader

May 16, 2015
The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is pleased to learn that Megan Rice, SHCJ, has been released from prison after serving more than two years for trespassing and defacing government property at a federal enriched uranium facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in 2012.
While the Society does not condone criminal activity, we support Sister Megan and the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings against nuclear weapons. With the Church, we believe that nuclear weapons are incompatible with the peace so desperately needed throughout the world.
As a 169-year-old international community of Catholic women, the Society has a history of standing up for those in need and, in the words of Cornelia Connelly, our Foundress, “seeking to meet the wants of the age.” We are dedicated to helping women, children, men, and families by providing educational, spiritual, and social justice programs across four continents. In the American Province alone, the Sisters have communities in 11 states, the Dominican Republic, and Chile, and minister to more than 20,000 people every year.
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