The Birth of Holy Child College, Abuja: A Historic Beginning

15 October, 2024

By Sr. Genevieve Ibedu, SHCJ – Administrator

The first day at Holy Child College, Abuja, was one of hope, optimism, and purpose. It was such a humble beginning spiced up with faith and courage despite all the uncertainties, which laid a strong foundation for what would become a reputable institution that will be known for fostering intellectual and spiritual growth, turning students into exemplary citizens equipped with the knowledge, values, and skills to navigate the world successfully. This historic day, marked the beginning of a legacy that would shape future generations of Holy Child Students.

Hence, the 28th day of September 2024, being the birthday of Holy Child College, Abuja, the young College graciously opened its doors to Students, Sisters, Teachers, and the School Administrator, all eager to embark on this educational venture. This new beginning, paved the way for an inspiring journey of academic excellence, moral development, and holistic education as postulated by our Mother Foundress, Venerable Cornelia Connelly.

As the sun rose that  beautiful Saturday morning over the Jikwoyi Hills of Abuja , our beloved pioneer smart looking boys and girls arrived at the school,to the utter joy of the sisters, staff and management of the school, our students were  full of excitement and curiosity and wouldn’t stop running around the premises. The environment was alive with the enthusiasm of parents and guardians who had  confidently entrusted the school with the responsibility of shaping their children’s future.The  students were warmly, excitedly and joyfully welcomed to Holy Child College Abuja by the Administrator Sr Genevieve Ibedu SHCJ together with the SHCJ Sisters and Staff.

While welcoming our 44 new Princes and Princesses and their parents, the Pioneer Administrator of the College Sr. Genevieve Ibedu highlighted the core values of Holy Child Education, centered on academic achievement, moral integrity, and service to others. She emphasized the importance of personal discipline and spiritual growth alongside intellectual development. The students were encouraged to see themselves as future leaders and role models who would contribute positively to their families, communities and the world at large.

In conclusion, the beginning of Holy Child College, Abuja, is more than just the start of a new School; it is the continuation of a Legacy of Educational Excellence shaped by Cornelia Connelly’s vision. As our students begin this adventure, they do so with the assurance that they are  part of a long-standing tradition, one that values God, knowledge, compassion  and service. ACTIONS NOT WORDS!!