A Religious Vocation is a call to stand in for God; to discipleship and discipleship is a call to service (John 13:17), a response to God, to do something for humanity.

The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is an international community of women religious founded by Venerable Mother Cornelia Connelly in 1846. In the African province, we are gifted and called by God to bring the reality of the Incarnation and God’s love to the world.
We each bring to the Society of the Holy Child Jesus our rich culture, heritage and feminine spirit. Our self-giving is based on generous love, freedom of spirit and joy, because we are aware and grateful for the giftedness and potential within us.
Sr. Stella: How Can One Recognize This Call?

Since 1930 the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus in Africa have worked in education, social, pastoral and spiritual ministries, Wherever we are and whatever our ministry we try with perseverance to help others to experience the goodness of God and live fully human lives.
Sr. Stella: Tell Us More About The Call To Religious Life
We work for Christian principles of justice, peace and compassion. Our spirit of simplicity, humility, charity and joy gives us the freedom to share in the mission of Christ by responding to the wants of the age in the church and in our world.
Sr. Stella: What Do Holy Child Sisters Do?
If you feel that God is calling you to share your gifts in the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, you are welcome to visit us or contact us.
Vocations Director – Sr. Doris Gali – +234 0811 394 3019
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
No 16 Keffi Street,
P.O. Box 52465, S.W. Ikoyi
Email: shcjvocations@gmail.com
Assistant Vocations Director/Ghana South Zone
Sr. Felicity Amikiya, SHCJ – +233 54 806 4691
Holy Child Convent
129 Mansour Street,
Parakou Estate, Dome
P.O. Box AT 778
Achimota Accra, Ghana.
Email: famikiya@gmail.com
Assistant Vocations Director/ North North Zone, Nigeria
Sr. Chinyere Oliobi – +234 813 184 3353
Zonal Vocation Liaison Persons
Sr. Louisa Ayirah – North zone Ghana – +233 24 169 7755
Sr. Mary Alexander – North -Central Zone – Nigeria and Chad (Abuja) – +234 816 816 7826
Sr. Patricia Thomas – North-Central Zone, Nigeria and Chad Whatsapp – +234 706 630 0257
Sr. Pauline Okoroafor –South East Zone, Nigeria – +234 802 436 9227
Soeurs du Holy Child Jesus
Archeveche de N’Djamena
456 N’Djamena – Chad
0225-33223 & 0682-42409
Email: chad@shcjafrica.org
Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus
122 Bogani East Karen,
Nairobi, East Africa
Sr. Margaret Jackson – +254 011 540 5326
Email – meggiejackson2@gmail.com