‘We are a Living Testament to a Courageous Hope’

July 7, 2020

Diana Pinto – Executive Director, South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP)

SC Lamp is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.

In response to the 1992 civil unrest, SC LAMP was founded to address, however modestly, its underlying, unaddressed causes. Thirty years later, our hearts are heavy. These very disparities still exist.

We are a community of people of color. Where do we find role models for our children, those who will support our efforts to teach what it means to live in a just society? How could 30 years have passed, and we are still trying to amplify the voices of those who yearn to be heard? Struggling to answer these questions, we came to realize that we are the role models. We are a living testament to a courageous hope that has and will continue to make a difference.

This is our story, today. Recognizing we would be affected disproportionately during the pandemic, and acknowledging federal relief would not suffice nor be fully accessible, leaders among us rose to the occasion — individuals, nonprofit agencies, and local government officials. All worked passionately to create relevant, supportive programs. Our most vulnerable would not be forgotten! Our staff, children, parents, have adapted to distance learning. Weekly food preparation and distribution, lovingly given and received, has been constant. We really have been and still are all in this together.

In the midst of this crisis, the horrific death of George Floyd, we are challenged to rise anew. Black lives do matter, and faithful to our mission of social justice, we recommitted ourselves to stand with our sisters and brothers for however long it takes, until the words of our nation’s constitution “justice for all” become a lived reality.

I have learned to use my anger for good. . . . Without it, we would not be motivated to rise to a challenge. It is an energy that compels us to define what is just and unjust. –Gandhi

How grateful we are for your unrelenting support as we continue our pursuit, our fight for justice!

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