Advent Reflections 2020

The 4th Sunday of Advent

Today’s readings invite us to contemplate with Mary the amazing truth  beautifully described in Bob Hurd’s song, Be it done unto me:

“How can you who encompass all things be encompassed by me?
In whose image I’m wondrously made, be made, then, of me.

This my body and this my blood: take and receive.
They are you now, O child of my womb. O fruit of my tree.”

The 3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete


REJOICE – the message given to Thessalonians and to us,
even in this time of global dislocation.

Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
In all circumstances give thanks.

Wisdom figures in all contemplative traditions offer the same remedy and advice – and presumably it flows from their deep experience.

Let us pray – and perhaps, in the mystery of Love, be the answer to the prayer of others.



The familiar words from the prophet (and poet) Isaiah have extra resonance this year.

Comfort, give comfort to my people,
says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem …



Jesus said to his disciples:
“Be watchful! Be alert!
Mt 13:33

Cornelia Connelly was keen for children – and their teachers –
to look, to draw, to contemplate, to be attentive to the world,
to find God incarnate …

how ordinary
extraordinary things are or

how extraordinary ordinary
things are, like the nature of the mind
and the process of observing
Norman Nicholson

May we look carefully at ‘ordinary’ things and people this week.

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