Once upon a time there was SOURCE, a response to Vatican II’s call to religious communities to return to their roots and re-appropriate the values and vision that inspired their founding. For 30 years that periodic publication yielded priceless insights into the richness of the Society’s origins and growth between 1846 and 2000. Now, we offer RE-SOURCE as a virtual space for creative and forward-looking exploration of what is at the heart of SHCJ life now and into the future.

The very first line of the SHCJ Constitutions gives direction and focus for RE-SOURCE: “God has chosen to need men and women in every age to reveal divine love, to make known the reality of the Incarnation” (Constitutions #1). To support our living of that vision, the 2022 General Chapter called Holy Child Sisters “to continue to probe our understanding of the Incarnation and its meaning for the Society’s ongoing life and mission in concrete ways.” (GCE22, p.3)

In this space, sisters, associates, and other friends and partners probe together the mystery of the Incarnation.

Scroll down this page to access the ‘flipbooks’ below: Understanding Incarnation, Theology and Spirituality of Incarnation, Feasts and Seasons, The World Today, Without Words, Space & Interspace/Can We Talk?/Music, and RE-CURSO (en Espanol)