Casa Cornelia Law Center: Our 2018 Milestones

January 30, 2019

By Rosa E. Mitsumasu Scotti

As we reflect on the gifts, challenges, and opportunities brought to Casa Cornelia in 2018, we would like to share our deepest gratitude with you for directly participating in our mission to provide quality pro bono legal services to vulnerable communities in Southern California. Your generosity resulted in several major accomplishments and milestones.

2018 La Mancha Awards: (L to R) Carmen Chavez, Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center; Nicholas Kristof, Columnist, New York Times; and Veronica Openibo, SHCJ, Society of the Holy Child Jesus Society Leader

First, we received outpouring support as we responded to the family separation crisis in the spring and summer, and the migrant crisis in the fall. These emergency efforts were undertaken in addition to the anticipated activities for the year.

We also celebrated! At the 2018 La Mancha Awards Casa Cornelia commemorated 25 years of service and over 10,000 lives saved through humanitarian protection.

Casa Cornelia’s work was prominently featured in the media. Some of our favorite articles include the ones in The Southern Cross, The L.A. Times, The San Diego Union Tribune, and Al Jazeera.

Finally, we are both proud and humbled to report preliminary impact data for 2018. As of December 17, Casa Cornelia’s legal team has responded to approximately 2,301 children, women, and men who have escaped (or are seeking to escape) violence, torture, and persecution. Humanitarian relief will forever change their lives.

Thank you so much for supporting Casa Cornelia’s clients, and for opening your heart to vulnerable communities which suffer daily but remain hopeful, primarily as a result of the Society’s prayer and unrelenting support over these 25 years!

Happy New Year 2019!

Sincerely yours,
Your friends at Casa Cornelia Law Center

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