April 29, 2024
Dan Dougherty, President, Cristo Rey New York High School

Cristo Rey New York High School is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.
On March 4th and 5th, Cristo Rey New York Class of 2025 attended the school’s annual college trip organized by the school’s College Counseling Department. Our team of college counselors matches members of our junior class to different colleges, depending on the student’s needs and which schools offer the best fit.
This year, the Class of 2025 visited many campuses, including Cornell University, Babson College, Colgate University, and Brown University. Accompanied by school staff, our junior class was divided into two busloads of boys and two busloads of girls and followed four different itineraries. Over three days, our students collectively visited and toured 30 campuses in New England and upstate New York.
In many cases, the college campus tour guides were CRNYHS alumni who were now studying at these colleges.
This trip is often our students’ first exposure to a real college campus experience, an essential step in their college application process. In just a few months, the Class of 2025 will begin applying to colleges and narrowing down what they are looking for in their future alma maters. Our students affirm that this trip helps them tremendously with their college search and provides an invaluable bonding experience with their peers and mentors.
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