SHCJ Social Justice Fund


I came not into religion to be ministered unto, but to minister unto others…

- Venerable Cornelia Connelly




The SHCJ Social Justice Fund welcomes applications for grant funds from organization programs/projects that strive to meet the social justice issues and needs of our time. These issues and needs include, but are not limited to, climate justice, education, food/clean water insecurity, gender issues, gun violence, health care, homelessness, human trafficking, and racism.





  1. SHCJ Social Justice Fund grants are open to all local and national ministries in the United States, including SHCJ-sponsored or co-sponsored ministries and non-SHCJ ministries. The SHCJ Social Justice Fund does not make international grants.
  2. Frequency of grants: Only one program/project per organization per year can be awarded an SHCJ Social Justice grant.
  3. Size of grants: Ordinarily, the maximum annual grant to a program/project is $10,000. Grants are not available for organizational operating expenses or endowments.
  4. Financial information must include an organizational budget for one year along with program/project goals and objectives, an implementation timeline, a description of other sources of funding, and an explanation of how the program/project will be monitored and its outcomes measured.
  5. Applications are due on March 30, and grants will be distributed by June 1 of each year. Please click here to view questions on the grant application form in a PDF format. Again, applications must be submitted using the on-line application.
  6. Reference: The application must include the name, contact information, and relationship to the SHCJ of a person acting as a reference for the organization program/project.
  7. Progress Reports will be due six months after the grant has been issued. Progress Report due dates will be included in the official Grant Notification Letter.
  8. 501(c)(3) documentation is not required for organizations/projects affiliated with or sponsored by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.

If you have any questions, please direct them to

Thank you.