February 22, 2016

Recently the Sisters at Holy Child Center in Rosemont, Pennsylvania received an extra special gift – Faith! A beautiful female golden retriever from Montgomery County’s SPCA, Faith spent time with the community in a group setting and then visited individually with Sisters in their rooms.
Faith greeted the Sisters, staff, and friends in typical dog fashion – energetically showing affection to everyone! In return, they showered the dog with their love and smiles.
According to Holy Child Center’s life enrichment manager Bonnie Wright, CTRS, the Sisters welcome SPCA’s monthly visits. “For our fully- or semi-retired Sisters, these activities provide an added joy to their day. And the act of petting and socializing with a dog or cat, for instance, offers health benefits to people of all ages.”

The Holy Child Sisters are grateful to the SPCA for these visits, and especially to Steven Conway, the organization’s Humane Educator, for sharing his time and expertise with the Holy Child community. The Sisters also send their thanks for the gifts of “Faith,” hope and love!
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