“It is not presumption to have hope and joy
and confidence in God’s grace.”
-Venerable Cornelia Connelly
In October 2024, the American Province launched Graced Moments, where every month, a Holy Child Sister shares a “grace-filled” experience that has influenced her life. The project flows from the Society’s mission “to help others to believe that God lives and acts in them and in our world.”
We thank Kathleen Popit, a Sister of the Holy Child Jesus for 57 years, for offering this month’s reflection.
Click the audio player to listen to an audio version
of Sister Kathleen’s “graced moment.”
In the early years of my life, I grew up in what I would call a “Slovenian neighborhood,” where family, school, and Church were central.
At nine years old, all of it changed when my family moved.
My world crashed, and I let God know how terrible and miserable I was.
During my rantings, I realized that though everything changed, God was the same. I had experienced God’s presence and love in a new way.
From then on, no matter how many changes occur in my life,
I know God’s presence and love are unchanging.
What in Sister Kathleen’s graced moment resonated with you? Please share below.
Good for you, Kathleen. a lovely reflection. Thank you, Mary Alice
I find the statement “…no matter how many changes occur in my life, I know God’s presence and love are unchanging” very powerful and life-giving. It spoke volumes to me and gave voice to my experiences. I completely affirm that God’s presence and love are unchanging as I reflect on my past and current experiences. Thank you so much, Kathleen Popit, for giving a voice to my life journey with the strong resonance in your graced moment.
Thanks for the reminder that God is unchanging. It is I who change, whose circumstances change, often bringing along a changed understanding and experience of God’s presence. Thank you, Kathleen, for the Divine hug that your graced moment has given me.