Holy Child Sisters Support and Celebrate Casa Cornelia Law Center

December 4, 2024

Carmen M. Chavez, Esq. – Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center

Casa Cornelia Law Center is a sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.

Sr. Ann, second from left, Carmen, far right, with past Casa Cornelia staff members

This month, we were blessed to be able to help a mother from El Salvador and her four children find safety from their violent domestic abuser. CCLC had filed the asylum application for the family when our attorney discovered the abuser was in the United States and had found out the location of his wife and children. Casa Cornelia staff came together to find emergency assistance for the family to a safe house. We needed to secure housing, food, clothes, car seats for children, and a large enough van to transport all the children. All of us at CCLC agree this is why we are here.

In October, we celebrated the 17th Annual La Mancha Awards, where we celebrated the committed service of our volunteer attorneys, interpreters, and translators. We recognized Latham and Watkins as the Law Firm of the Year. And Lindsey Doyle was awarded the Attorney of the Year.

Holy Child Sisters Ann M. Durst, Margaret (Peg) Doyle, and Sheila McNiff, and 280 guests were in attendance. We are grateful for the generous support from the Society, which allows us to provide legal services to the most vulnerable in the immigrant community in San Diego and Imperial counties. Thus far, we have served 3,053 men, women, and children.

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