Founded in 1921 by the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, Rosemont College is a community of learners dedicated to excellence and joy in the pursuit of knowledge. Rosemont College seeks to develop in all members of the community open and critical minds, as well as the ability to make reasoned moral decisions. Rooted in Catholicism, and guided by the principles of Cornelia Connelly and the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Rosemont College values:
- trust in and reverence for the dignity of each person
- diversity in human culture and experience
- persistence and courage in promoting justice with compassion
The only College in a world-wide network of Holy Child educational institutions, Rosemont is grounded in the Holy Child philosophy which encourages students to meet diversity and change with confidence in their own gifts and in God.
Today, Rosemont College enrolls 1,100 students. The undergraduate college offers 23 majors, while the graduate school offers six programs.
For additional information, please visit Rosemont College’s website at http://www.rosemont.edu/.