March 21, 2023
Carmen M. Chavez, Esq. – Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center
Casa Cornelia Law Center is a Sponsored Ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus.

This year we celebrate 30 years of service to families from across the globe, those who arrived at our doorstep seeking safety and a better life. As a sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, this anniversary year is a significant milestone for the Law Center, a reminder of our humble beginnings. We are eternally grateful to the Society for meeting the needs of thousands of individuals since 1846, and here in San Diego since 1993.
Casa Cornelia Law Center’s committed staff and volunteers continue to serve a growing number of migrants seeking safe havens in the United States. In 2022, those seeking assistance increased by almost 20%. Part of the increase was in response to Afghan asylum seekers through the Operation Allies Welcome (OAW). With little or no time to prepare, these individuals and families fled their home country with no more than the clothes on their backs. We have been working tirelessly alongside volunteer attorneys, interpreters, and translators to help these families achieve legal status.
We also saw an increase in families seeking refuge from the war in Ukraine, from both Russia and Ukraine. Recently, we secured asylum for a family of six from Russia fleeing political persecution. Because of your generosity, both in donations and prayer, this family now has a future to anticipate with hope and gratitude. We all thank you for making this possible, for one family amidst so many others. You are our blessing, always!
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