Miracle Hunter Radio Show Interviews Holy Child Associate

August 15, 2024

This past spring, Holy Child Associate Anita Martineau spoke with Michael O’Neill of EWTN’s Miracle Hunter radio show about the Society’s Foundress Venerable Cornelia Connelly. On the show, Mr. O’Neill invites listeners “on a hunt that explores the greatest mysteries and marvels of the Catholic Church.”

In July, following a 30-day retreat in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, a significant place in Cornelia’s life and where Cornelia later acknowledged the Society was founded “on a broken heart,” Holy Child Associate Anita Martineau (front) and fellow Associate Sarah Brabant paint the cross at the gravesite of Cornelia’s children, John Henry and Mary Magdalen. Anita left for the 30-day retreat on the day of her interview with Miracle Hunter.

In his book “They Might Be Saints,” Mr. O’Neill features Cornelia Connelly as one of 24 Americans on the path to sainthood. He also wrote the article “This Mystic Nun Lost Her Husband to the Priesthood, and Her Children to Her Husband” (National Catholic Reporter, April 2020). Mr. O’Neill kicked off the radio show where he shared that Cornelia is a “favorite” and “most fascinating, future saint … her life is mind-boggling and amazing the faith that she showed.”

During the 17-minute radio interview, Anita answered questions about Cornelia’s life, including her conversion to the Catholic faith and the founding of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Near the end of the show, when asked by Mr. O’Neill, “What can we learn from Cornelia’s many sacrifices and abandonments …” Anita responded, “She [Cornelia] saw sacrifice, prayer, and service as opportunities to grow in relationship with God. Cornelia’s example speaks to people through their traumatic life experiences that parallel her own experiences: challenging marriages, separated couples, losing children, forced migration, betrayals by loved ones…” Anita continued that today Cornelia’s “life inspires faith, hope, and service to others.”

Holy Child Associates Anita Martineau and Sarah Brabant pose for a photo after repainting the cross at the gravesite of Cornelia’s children, John Henry and Mary Magdalen.

To listen to Miracle Hunter’s episode on Cornelia Connelly, click here. The interview begins at minute 33:56.

American Province Leader Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ, shared that Anita was a perfect interviewee. “As a Holy Child Associate and Cornelia Connelly promoter, Anita is incredibly knowledgeable about Cornelia’s complex life of faith, service, and devotion to God. She is passionate about sharing Cornelia’s history, which inspires hope and a ‘love full of action.’ Anita gave an excellent interview for which I am very grateful.”

The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus are very appreciative to Mr. O’Neill for inviting the Society to share Cornelia’s story on the Miracle Hunter.

Please join us in praying for Cornelia’s beatification.

One Response to “Miracle Hunter Radio Show Interviews Holy Child Associate”

  1. Kathleen Ruppel

    I am a grateful recipient of a Holy Child education. It is something for which I am forever thankful. I have always considered Mother Connelly to be an inspiring woman.