Eight Reasons to Rethink Plastic Water Bottles

June 16, 2017 By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ June 21st marks Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The other half of our planet will move into winter then, but for those who share my half, we’ve already had proof that we’re headed to heat. (E.g., In mid-June Oman’s highest temperature for the day touched 49 ˚C […]

Enrichment at Hope Partnership

June 7, 2017 Rose Martin, RSM, Executive Director, Hope Partnership for Education Hope Partnership for Education is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child of Jesus. In the 2016-2017 school year, Hope’s After School Enrichment Program sought to offer a variety of experiences for middle school students. New offerings this year included […]

Surgeons Inspire Students at Washington School for Girls

May 23, 2017 Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM, Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG) Washington School for Girls is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Our Seventh Grade science classes were recently treated to a visit from six highly-skilled female surgeons from the Inova Health System of Northern Virginia. […]

Watch: Playwright’s Presentation About ‘Waltz With Me’

May 9, 2017 [arve url=”https://vimeo.com/215529116″ mode=”normal” /] British playwright Diane Samuels and research consultant Ghislaine Kenyon (alumna of Mayfield School, England) are working on a full-length play called WALTZ WITH ME, which evokes the life of Cornelia Connelly. They visited the United States in April to run workshops on the play at Rosemont College and […]

Giving Spiritual Care a ‘Profoundly Sacred Experience’

May 2, 2017 Handing on The Spirit: Sisters in Ministry is a series of writings that feature our Sisters in action! The Sisters share how their ministries advance the Society’s mission and hand on our Holy Child values — compassion, confidence, creativity, respect, and joy — to others. By Sandra Lincoln, SHCJ Sister Mary Sullivan greeted […]

Where Did You Come From?

May 1, 2017 By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ Where Did You Come From? For me, a fast answer could be “Chicago.” A better truth requires the love story of my parents —  and the love story of each of their parents, and the love story …. Stories within stories, all embedded in mystery! Do you ever […]

An Inside Look at a New Play Remembering Cornelia Connelly

May 1, 2017 British playwright Diane Samuels and research consultant Ghislaine Kenyon (alumna of Mayfield School, England) are working on a full-length play called WALTZ WITH ME, which evokes the life of Cornelia Connelly. They visited the United States in April to run workshops on the play at Rosemont College and School of the Holy […]

‘This Is Not a Job… It’s Like Helping a Family Member’

April 25, 2017 David Chiles, Executive Director, Providence Center A Junior at Edison High School, Victor has been a Providence Center Teen Leader for two years. He is a calm presence in the program, but his easy laugh is infectious and fills the room. Victor particularly likes to work with children in the program who […]

Report: 2016 Clients Served Exceeds All Prior Years

April 25, 2017 Carmen M. Chavez, Esq., Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center The numbers are in! In 2016, with the support of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and many other generous supporters, Casa Cornelia responded to 2,280 men, women and children fleeing violence and seeking safe haven in the U.S. Once again, […]

Meet Sr. Cathy and Sr. Helen of SC LAMP

April 25, 2017 Diana Pinto, Executive Director, South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP) This time of year reminds me to take a moment and reflect on all the good which surrounds me. After working at South Central LAMP for eight years, because of two incredibly inspiring women with whom I have worked, I […]