Cristo Rey St. Martin Alum Pursuing Her Dreams at Duke

March 21, 2017 Preston Kendall, President, Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep Cristo Rey St. Martin is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. As a first year student at Duke University, Kala Juett is an exemplar of a strong, smart, young woman and a leader destined to play a significant […]

Cristo Rey New York High School Celebrates Magic

Cristo Rey New York

March 21, 2017 Fr. Joseph P. Parkes, S.J., President, Cristo Rey New York Cristo Rey New York High School is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. On February 16, 2017, we held our annual Magic of Cristo Rey event. While the night was filled with magicians, magic tricks and magical auction items, the […]

2017-2023 Province Leadership Announced

March 17, 2017 We extend our prayers and blessings to the newly appointed American Province Leadership Team! On Saturday, March 4, 2017, the Society of the Holy Child Jesus appointed a new American Province Leadership Team. Carroll Juliano, SHCJ, of Aldan, PA, will serve as the Leader of the Society’s American Province. Her team members […]

Kindness Day at Washington School for Girls

March 15, 2017 Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM, Head of School, Washington School for Girls Washington School for Girls is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. Earlier this month we concluded our celebration of Catholic Schools Week with Kindness Day. A Catholic identity is the core of our community, and one expression […]

Hope Partnership’s Quint Learning Center Opens

March 8, 2017 Rose Martin, RSM, Executive Director, Hope Partnership for Education Hope Partnership for Education is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. Thanksgiving took on added meaning in  2016 at Hope Partnership. On Wednesday, November 23rd, the day before the holiday, we dedicated the Barbara & George Quint Learning Center. […]

Student Pens Piece About Teenager’s Journey from Cuba

March 1, 2017 Seventh Grader Ave Doster from Cornelia Connelly Center in New York City shares her creative writing piece about a teenager’s challenging journey from Cuba to America. My name is Ana Ana-Luisia I live in Cuba And I’m 15 I’m sitting cross legged on the beach The cold brisk wind blowing off the […]

Pat’s Picks Movie Review: Lion

March 1, 2017 By Pat Phillips, SHCJ Patricia (Pat) Phillips, SHCJ, periodically writes an opinion piece on new movies for the Holy Child Sisters. Her latest “Pat’s Picks” features Fences. Enjoy reading her review and stay tuned for future “Pat’s Picks!” Madeline Albright says: “As a refugee, an immigrant, and a mother, Lion resonated deeply with me. It […]

Providence Center Awarded Grant for Middle School Program

February 22, 2017 The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia (CFGP) has awarded Providence Center a $15,000 grant for the creation of a middle school Leadership Program. Providence Center is located in the Fairhill neighborhood of Philadelphia where the poverty rate is the highest in the city. The Center provides a Teen Leaders program that hires […]