Providence Center Teen Leader: Now I Believe in Myself

February 15, 2017 David Chiles – Executive Director, Providence Center Providence Center in Philadelphia is a sponsored ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. Savannah’s Story Savannah is a second-year Teen Leader with Providence Center. She brings joy and energy to the young children in our Kindergarten to third grade classroom. Savannah provided support […]

Former Casa Cornelia Clients Serve Their Communities

February 8, 2017 Carmen M. Chavez, Esq. – Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center Casa Cornelia Law Center in San Diego is a sponsored ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. At Casa Cornelia Law Center, it is a privilege to see the wonderful things that our former clients do for their communities and the […]

American Province Archives Receives Grant

February 1, 2017 The Holy Child Sisters are pleased to share that the American Province Archives in Rosemont, PA, has received a small grant from the William Penn Foundation through the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts in Philadelphia, PA. The grant will be used to fund the installation of data loggers throughout the […]

Funding Successes Enable SC LAMP to Continue Program

February 1, 2017 Diana Pinto, Executive Director of South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP) SC LAMP in Los Angeles is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. Happy New Year to everyone! As the Executive Director of SC LAMP, I am beaming with so much pride, but as the young girl […]

Thoughts Before Valentine’s Day

February 1, 2017 By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ Before Big Business exploited the commercial value of February 14th by selling cards, candy, candles, and flowers*, the day honored St. Valentine — a Roman priest who secretly married couples when the emperor had forbidden his soldiers to marry. For this, Valentine was executed. His feast day was […]

Spotlight on Jasmine Herrera

January 18, 2017 On any given day, Jasmine Herrera, Connelly Middle School (CMS) ’15 & Cristo Rey New York High School (CRNY) ’19, can be found pitching for her softball team, preparing and serving food to the homeless, or taking graffiti walks with her high school art club. Jasmine’s combination of talents emerged during her […]

Pat’s Picks: Don’t Miss The Film Fences!

January 18, 2017 By Pat Phillips, SHCJ Patricia (Pat) Phillips, SHCJ, periodically writes an opinion piece on new movies for the Holy Child Sisters. Her latest “Pat’s Picks” features Fences. Enjoy reading her review and stay tuned for future “Pat’s Picks!” The Los Angeles Times had a full page filled with glowing comments about Fences starring […]

208th Anniversary of the Birth of our Founder

January 15, 2017 marks the 208th anniversary of the birth of Cornelia Connelly, an American-born wife and mother and a zealous convert who became the founder of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus in England in 1846. View a complete timeline of her life by clicking here and read about her story here and […]

Prayer Inspired by St. Paul’s Call to the Ephesians

Dec. 21, 2016 The Society’s general chapter of 2016 calls us all to address the root causes of violence, war, human trafficking and the myriad humanitarian and environmental crises of our time and respond to them collaboratively through actions in accord with our spirit and mission: education, political and social advocacy, direct action, prayer and […]

News from Leadership Conference of Women Religious

December 2, 2016 LCWR Commitment to Gospel Values in Post-Presidential Election Season The presidency and staff of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious recently issued a statement congratulating President-elect Donald J. Trump upon his election and thanking Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for her many years of service. In it we promised to stand with all […]