Cornelia Connelly and the ‘Big Feasts’ Before Summer

June 9, 2016 By Jeanne Marie Hatch, SHCJ, Vice President for Mission, Rosemont College Every year the feasts of Pentecost, the Blessed Trinity, Corpus Christi, and the Sacred Heart arrive on the calendar very near to Commencement, week after week. I noticed that fact many, many years ago when I was a student myself. Those […]

Providence Center: Our Children Aren’t Defined By Statistics

June 8, 2016 David Chiles – Executive Director, Providence Center Providence Center is a ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Recently, Providence Center was interviewed for an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about life expectancy differences in Philadelphia neighborhoods. Where Providence serves in the city’s Fairhill section, the life expectancy is 71 years, […]

Once Helped by SHCJ, Activist Now Supports Other Women

June 1, 2016 Carmen M. Chavez, Esq., Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center  Casa Cornelia Law Center is a ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Dilkhwaz Ahmed was a women’s rights activist in Iraq when she began fearing for her life and sought asylum in the United States. Dilkhwaz became a client […]

SC LAMP Receives Support from Those It Serves

May 23, 2016 Diana Pinto, Executive Director of South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP) South Central LAMP is one of a number of co-sponsored ministries of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. At South Central LAMP (SC LAMP), we strive to support the families we serve and as a small nonprofit, we cannot […]

Holy Child Sisters Invest in Project H.O.M.E.

May 11, 2016 Founded in 1988, the Society’s Community Development Investment (CDI) Program provides small loans (up to $25K) to organizations that serve the poor. In order to share the wonderful works enabled by these loans, the Society we will run a series of short stories highlighting these. Today we start with Project H.O.M.E. in […]

Holy Child Academy in Old Westbury, NY, Honors Holy Child Sisters

May 10, 2016 On April 29, 2016, Holy Child Academy, Old Westbury, paid special tribute to the Holy Child Sisters at the school’s annual spring gala. Special recognition was given to Jean O’Meara, SHCJ, and Eileen McDevitt, SHCJ, for their extraordinary service over many years. Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ, accepted an original painting specially commissioned […]

Washington School for Girls Introduces Google-Inspired Project

April 21, 2016 Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM – Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG) Washington School for Girls (WSG) introduced a new core project for the 8th grade class where the students developed and worked on independent projects of personal interest.  The inspiration for this project came from Google’s innovative “20 percent time” […]

Hope Partnership for Education Students Contributing to Health Publication

April 21, 2016 Rose Martin, RSM, Executive Director, Hope Partnership for Education Frederic Bertley, Ph.D., says he is never bored at his job. He is the senior vice president of science and education at the Franklin Institute. He came to Hope Partnership for Education several weeks ago to be interviewed by Hope students who are […]