Cornelia Connelly: Finding God in Everyday

By Judith Lancaster, SHCJ It has often been said that Cornelia Connelly’s life has all the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster: sex, religion, nuns, bishops, abducted children, a wife threatened with kidnap by her estranged husband, salacious court proceedings, high profile media interest… Even in sober reality, her life was undeniably dramatic and controversial; strong […]

Holy Child Students Embrace 12 Days of Kindness

In remembering the true call of the Christmas season, third graders at Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child in Summit, NJ, embarked on their third annual 12 Days of Kindness campaign this week. The campaign, which started Monday, December 7, was created by Patti Cepparulo, Oak Knoll’s coed elementary school drama and religion teacher, […]

Jubilee Year of Mercy

By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ Care of Earth and care of humanity cannot be separated. Pope Francis recently said, “There is a clear link between the protection of nature and the building of a just and equitable social order. There can be no renewal of our relationship with nature, without a renewal of humanity itself.” December […]

Paris: United Nations Conference on Climate Change

The link below is a list of organizations that are following the climate meetings in Paris. Please click to link to find faith based and global and national organizations of interest: Paris COP21 Watch Related links: SHCJ JPIC in the American Province SHCJ JPIC SHCJ Responds to Laudato Si’

Attend our Advent Open House

  Everyone is invited to the Holy Child Sisters’ Advent Open House, which features Nativity scenes from around the world. The program begins at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 1341 Montgomery Avenue, Main Building, in Rosemont, PA.  You are welcome to attend Mass at 11:30 a.m. Bring the family and friends! Contact […]

Students Inspired by Cornelia’s Words

By Fr. Joseph P. Parkes, S.J., President of Cristo Rey New York High School “Be yourself, but make that self all that God wants it to be.” Cornelia Connelly’s famous words hang on the assembly room wall at Cornelia Connelly Center, and they’ve stuck with CCC graduates Hiliana Arroya and Jasmine Herrera as they embark on […]

Success Means Helping Others

By Preston Kendall, President of Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep Growing up in the tough, economically-blighted town of Waukegan, IL, where gang violence and drug busts dominate headlines, Esmeralda “Esme” Silva implicitly assumed that the neighborhood would shape her destiny – she and her grade school classmates were destined “to go nowhere.” Today, the […]

New Exhibit, Documentary Features Cornelia Connelly

This fall, Jeanne Marie Guerin, SHCJ, attended the “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Gifts: The Road to Sainthood” Exhibit and “Ordinary People” WLAE Documentary, which both featured Cornelia Connelly. Cornelia and her family had lived in Grand Coteau, LA, between 1838 -1843. It is in Grand Coteau, that the Society was founded “on a breaking heart” on […]

Holy Child Montessori School Receives Award from Library of Congress

Holy Child Montessori School in the Dominican Republic was honored by the Library of Congress on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, at the annual Literacy Awards. The school was one of 14 national and international organizations recognized for effectively applying best practices to promote literacy and reading. American Province Leader Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ, attended the […]

Associate Reflects on Writing Cornelia Connelly Book

In the spirit of Cornelia Connelly, SHCJ Associate Judith “Judy” Talvacchia graciously answered “yes” to the Society’s request to author a book on its foundress. Approximately 26,000 copies of the English version have been distributed internationally, and a Spanish version will be released this fall. By Judith Talvacchia, SHCJ Associate
 Cornelia Connelly has always been […]