A Happy SHCJ Reunion

Twenty-one alumnae from the Class of 1982 at  Holy Child School, Cape Coast, Ghana, visited with the SHCJ at Holy Child Center in Rosemont, Pa. on Saturday, June 6, 2015. The women reminisced about their days at Holy Child, and sang and danced for the Sisters.  This was followed by a celebration of the Eucharist […]

Blue Moon and Laudato Si’

By Terri Mackenzie, SHCJ I occasionally visit a club that was the venue for dances I attended as a teen-ager. As I enter, I “hear” the strains of “Blue Moon” — a song I would otherwise never think about. Because the next Blue Moon will be July 31st, I wondered if I could connect blue moons and a […]

Carol Ann Smith, SHCJ Co-Authors Third Book

Moments to Remember: Ignatian Wisdom for Aging by Sr. Carol Ann Smith, SHCJ and Fr. Eugene F. Merz, SJ offers a faith perspective for reflecting on the experience of aging, drawing especially upon the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Order the book here. It provides the reader with a context for understanding their spiritual […]

Congratulations Jubilarians!

Many of our Society members recently celebrated their Jubilees. Watch the video below and express your congratulations on our Facebook page. [vimeo id=”132973998″] 50 Years Barbara Bartlett, SHCJ; Margaret Mary Bell, SHCJ; Catherine Callaghan, SHCJ; Elizabeth Gilmore, SHCJ; Carol Ann Knight, SHCJ; and Bernadette Longtin, SHCJ; Teresa Okura, SHCJ 60 Years Jane Dawley, SHCJ; Mary […]

Why Birds Fly and Fish Swim: A Story

As we embrace Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ take time to read “Why Birds Fly and Fish Swim” by a student from Mayfield Senior School of the Holy Child in Pasadena, CA. Why Birds Fly and Fish Swim by Rowan Procter ‘15 In the beginning, birds, fish and beasts were all land animals. This lasted […]

Casa Cornelia Success Stories

An update from Casa Cornelia Law Center…. Each week, clients of all ages, genders, ethnic origins, and life experiences arrive at Casa Cornelia Law Center (CCLC) with stories of pain and injustice. While Casa Cornelia is all too often compelled to share our clients’ painful stories, the Center is equally compelled to share their successes. Many […]

A Reflection from South Central LAMP

By Diana Z. Pinto, Executive Director While updating and modernizing the website, South Central LAMP has been reflecting on our history. South Central LAMP was founded by eight congregations of sisters in response to the civil unrest of 1992.  These sisters believed that an act of kindness could change the lives of the people in […]

‘Coal Black Sky’: A Poem

As we embrace Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, take time to read the poem “Coal Black Sky” by a student from Mayfield Senior School of the Holy Child in Pasadena, CA.   Coal Black Sky by Ashley Coventry ’18   Looking at the coal black sky, In the lonely darkness, I lie. Where is the […]

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment

By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ WHEN: The Pope’s highly anticipated first encyclical is expected to be published June 18th, 2015. TITLE: The expected title is “Laudato sii” (Be Praised or Praised Be), from St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Creation praising elements of creation and naming them as kin. (How prescient for one untaught in modern science!) […]

Meet Veronica Ufomba: A New Novice Director

The Society of the Holy Child’s next Novice Director of the African Province is preparing to head back to her native Nigeria. Veronica Ufomba will start her new position beginning September 1. She first moved to the United States in 2011 to teach at the Washington School for Girls. Two years later she entered Villanova […]