What is Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation?

A human being is part of the whole. To experience ourselves as something separate from the rest is a kind of optical delusion. This delusion is a kind of prison for us. – Albert Einstein By Jean Newbold, SHCJ The great gift of modern cosmology, which tells the Story of the Universe as far as […]

Statement on the Release of Megan Rice, SHCJ

Statement from Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ Society of the Holy Child Jesus American Province Leader May 16, 2015 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is pleased to learn that Megan Rice, SHCJ, has been released from prison after serving more than two years for trespassing and defacing government property at a federal enriched uranium […]

Listen to our ‘Ask Sister’ Podcast

Anita Quigley, SHCJ, Director of Vocations for the American Province, and Pat Phillips, SHCJ, Executive Director of Wordnet, recently spoke about discernment, prayer, and spirituality on a podcast with A Nun’s Life Ministry. The 55-minute podcast was recorded live on April 24 in Rosemont, Pa. There were about 40 people in the live audience and at […]

Volunteers Return to the Dominican Republic

Cindy and Greg Platko are Holy Child Associates from North Carolina who spent a year as Holy Child Volunteers in 2007-08 in Batey Lecheria in the Dominican Republic. The couple usually returns twice a year to help in the batey, which they did in April 2015. Read their blog post from the Platko’s most recent […]

Follow France White’s Journey on the Camino de Santiago

France White, SHCJ will be completing her Jubilee year with a pilgrimage to the Camino de Santiago. “I first read about the Camino de Santiago years ago as ‘the way of the stars’ and being a star gazer, I wanted to go. My two sisters and I were talking about the movie, The Way; someone […]

Year of Consecrated Life, Easter Season, and Earth Day

By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ This April will be my 45th time celebrating Earth Day and my 63rd time celebrating Easter, doing both as I celebrate my Diamond Jubilee as a vowed Sister of the Holy Child Jesus (SHCJ). These three observances contribute to my ability and desire to celebrate life as I mark my 80th […]

‘Understanding Relics’ Exhibit Runs Through April

SHCJ’s American Province Archives invites you to an exhibit entitled, “Understanding Relics.” The exhibit will provide a sampling of relics with a focus on St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, St. Katherine Drexel, St. John Neumann, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. From April 13 – May 1, Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and […]

Reflection on Serving By A Holy Child Volunteer

By Gabby Mejia Holy Child Volunteer Batey Lecheria, Dominican Republic I have been serving as a missionary in the Dominican Republic for about 8 months. It has been an incredibly humbling, challenging, adventurous, overwhelming, crazy time. I’ve learned a lot about myself, about this culture, but most importantly, I have deepened my relationship with Christ […]

Reflection: Do It Anyway

By Gabby Mejia Holy Child Volunteer Batey Lecheria, Dominican Republic I have been serving as a missionary in the Dominican Republic for about 8 months. It has been an incredibly humbling, challenging, adventurous, overwhelming, crazy time. I’ve learned a lot about myself, about this culture, but most importantly, I have deepened my relationship with Christ […]

We’re Going to Be on Motherhouse Road Trip!

A Nun’s Life Ministry will be visiting SHCJ’s Rosemont, Pa. home New Sharon on a Motherhouse Road Trip, Friday, April 24, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. The “Road Trip” is a podcast that is live-streamed (audio and video) over the Internet. Anita Quigley, SHCJ, Director of Vocations for the American Province, and Pat Phillips, SHCJ, Executive Director of […]