Pat’s Picks Movie Review: Lion

March 1, 2017

By Pat Phillips, SHCJ

Patricia (Pat) Phillips, SHCJ, periodically writes an opinion piece on new movies for the Holy Child Sisters. Her latest “Pat’s Picks” features Fences. Enjoy reading her review and stay tuned for future “Pat’s Picks!”

Madeline Albright says: “As a refugee, an immigrant, and a mother, Lion resonated deeply with me. It is a remarkable film and a testament to the indomitable human spirit.”

A true story, Saroo, whose name means Lion, is a five-year-old boy from rural India who gets lost, ends up in far-away Calcutta, and is eventually adopted by an Australian couple. For 25 years, he is haunted by the desire to find his birth family.

Simple story line, but so much more underlying it. Identity is crucial to everyone no matter how far we travel. Sunny Pawar plays an astounding five-year-old Saroo. The older Saroo is played brilliantly by Dev Patel (of Slumdog Millionaire). The whole cast is very convincing.

The film gives a deep insight into the plight of lost children of India. The end of the film notes that over 80,000 children are lost in India each year.

Lion is a “must see” and even the critics agree!

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