May 23, 2016
Diana Pinto, Executive Director of South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP)
South Central LAMP is one of a number of co-sponsored ministries of the Society of Holy Child Jesus.

At South Central LAMP (SC LAMP), we strive to support the families we serve and as a small nonprofit, we cannot do it alone. We rely on collaboration to achieve success. Our relationships, however, are not just with agencies who offer service to SC LAMP. We seek support from the people we serve.
Part of SC LAMP’s mission is to help women increase their leadership skills, and supporting the food pantry was a great way for each participant to understand their importance on project’s success. These women took ownership for the food pantry. By doing so, they strengthened their skills and the larger community.
Most important, our moms realized that one can enjoy a day of service and reap as much, if not more, reward than those being served. Our moms welcomed and embraced the privilege to be on the giving end!
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