Casa Cornelia Law Center
In 1993, the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus opened Casa Cornelia Law Center (CCLC) to provide quality legal services to indigent victims of human and civil rights violations, and to educate the public on the impact of immigration law and policy on the public good.
Volunteers Needed: Since its founding, Casa Cornelia Law Center has focused on providing legal services directly to immigrant victims. These efforts continue, but the time has also come to assume an advocacy role by beginning conversations within the non-immigrant community on what constitutes justice for immigrants. To facilitate this endeavor, CCLC has established its Inn of Court, an association of attorneys interested in promoting both aspects of CCLC’s mission: legal representation and advocacy. CCLC invites Holy Child alumnae and friends who are attorneys to join the Inn of Court and become “long distance participants” in a conversation about what should shape our immigration law and policy. CCLC believes that informed attorneys in the extended Holy Child family will make a significant contribution within their communities and open the door for reasoned moral decision making on this important issue. This need is ongoing.
Contact: Carmen Chavez
2760 Fifth Street Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92103
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (LAMP)
The Sisters of the Holy Child partnered with seven other congregations of women religious to open the South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (LAMP) in 1994. LAMP provides English as a Second Language and parenting classes from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. daily. In addition, day care and preschool are offered onsite while parents take classes at LAMP.
Volunteers Needed: LAMP needs volunteers to read to groups of preschool children and to assist in the infant and toddler rooms.
Contact: Diana Pinto
892 East 48th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90011