The charism of Cornelia is rooted in the Incarnation, God became human and continues to dwell among us. Cornelia was inspired by the hidden and humble life of the Holy Child Jesus, in whom the boundless love of God and of divine mercy were manifested. To learn more about Cornelia’s spirituality, read some of the Associates’ Newsletters below.
Winter 2025: Jubilee 2025–Pilgrims of Hope

Fall 2024: Charity and Prayer
Summer 2024: Share the Journey
Spring 2024: Reflection on the SHCJ Charism
Winter 2024: International Associates Conference
Fall 2023: Pilgrimage to Cornelia’s England
Summer 2023: Laudato Si’
Spring 2023: Meet the Associates: Core Team Members
Winter 2023: Reducing Plastic Waste
Fall 2022: Everything is a Gift
Summer 2022: Hearing the Cry of Creation
Spring 2022: Cheers to 20 Years
Winter 2022: Laudato Si’ Action Platform, A Fond Farewell
Autumn 2021: You Can Impact Deforestation
Summer 2021: The Journey Continues
Spring 2021: Envisioning our Future
Winter 2021: Review our Past & Envision our Future
Autumn 2020: Trees
Summer 2020: In These Times
Spring 2020: Actions not Words during Pandemic
Winter 2020: Sharing the Journey – A collaboration, New Care of Creation group
Autumn 2019: Associate Leadership Model
Summer 2019: Season of Creation and Sharing the Journey Continues
Spring 2019: International Coordinating Committee meets in Rome
Winter 2019: Sharing the Journey and Care of Creation
Autumn 2018: Meet the Associates, Care of Creation
Summer 2018: National Gathering
Spring 2018: Share the Journey, Meet the Associates
Winter 2018: 2018 National Associates Gathering Information
Autumn 2017: Share the Journey; Register for National Gathering
Summer 2017: Praying in (Un)likely Places
Spring 2017: Grand Coteau – Natchez Pilgrimage
Winter 2017: SHCJ Ministries
Autumn 2016: Living Mercy in Community and Care of Creation
Summer 2016: Summer 2016 Newsletter
Spring 2016: Spring 2016 Newsletter
Autumn 2015: Visit of Pope Francis & Our Charism
Summer 2015: Meeting the Wants of the Age
Spring 2015: Spring 2015 Newsletter
Winter 2015: Associates’ Newsletter
Autumn 2014: Creation, Science and the Incarnation
Summer 2014: Mercy in Action
Spring 2014: Spring 2014 Newsletter
Winter 2014: Winter 2014 Newsletter
Autumn 2013: Cornelia, Vatican II, and Evangelization
Summer 2013: Scripture and Vatican II
Spring 2013: Universal Call to Holiness
Winter 2013: Vatican II, Cornelia, and Ecumenism
Autumn 2012: Spiritually Supportive Community
Summer 2012: Actions Not Words Gathering / Meeting the Wants of the Age Discernment
Spring 2012: Living the Holy Child Spirit / The Daily Examen
Winter 2012: Holy Child Spirit
Autumn 2011: Gratitude: Awareness of Love
Summer 2011: 2011 Survey Highlights / Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ
Spring 2011: Sr. Helen’s Farewell / Associates Share about Beginning Anew
Winter 2011: Sharing Our Stories / Begin Anew
Autumn 2010: Sharing Our Stories
Summer 2010: Sharing Our Stories / Sr. Vero Openibo
Spring 2010: Living the Mission / M.M. Laurentia – ‘Begin anew’
Winter 2010: Poverty
Autumn 2009: Care for Creation
Summer 2009: Discerning Love / Batey Beads by the Jewelry Sisters
Spring 2009: Joy and International Associates Gathering in Mayfield
Winter 2008: Humility / Rejoice & Renew
Autumn 2008: Simplicity / Actions Not Words: Climate Change
Summer 2008: Belonging to God / Spirit Alive National Gathering
March 2008: Wants of the Age / Stop the Demand – Human Trafficking / Vision for our Future
December 2007: Begin Anew / Rediscovery
September 2007: Waiting in Hope / Core Team Living the Mission
June 2007: Commitment at Grand Coteau / Associates on Mission / Photos of Spring Commitments
March 2007: Cornelia and St. Francis of Assisi / Collaborative Associate Journey
December 2006: Impelled by Love / A Sustainable, Just, and Peaceful World
Collaborative Associate Journey
September 2006: Commitment to the Mission Alive at Cornelia Connelly Center / Our World Today: What are we to think? say? do? / Associates’ Prayer and Commitment
June 2006: The Incarnation as lived by Cornelia / Journey to the Dominican Republic
Winter/Spring 2006: Open and Critical Minds and Moral Decision Making / The Dark Waters Came Up in the Night
May/August 2005: Finding Joy / Mission in Chile
February 2005: Walking with God in the Shadow of the Holy Spirit / Grand Coteau Pilgrimage Weekend
November 2004: Why Epiphany?
August 2004: To Rejoice in God’s Presence / Chilean Associates in the Dominican Republic
May 2004: Cornelia and Her Children / Experiencing God through Children
February 2004: Association as Answer to a Call to Spiritual Life / Eco-Spirituality
November 2003: The Feast of Epiphany
August 2003: Highlights of the Keynote Address / SHCJ Chapter
May 2003: Breaking Open the Word of God / How Cornelia came into my Life
March 2003: Connecting with Cornelia and Charism: A Personal Reflection / Universal Call to Holiness: Clouds of War
December 2002: Connecting with Cornelia and Charism: Some Words of / Cornelia’s for Reflection / Associates: A Work in Progress