WSG Student Named Ambassador of “Do the Write Thing”

May 24, 2019 Dr. Beth Reaves – Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG) Washington School for Girls is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Students at the Washington School for Girls recently participated in the DC division of the “Do the Write Thing” challenge. This challenge was part […]

Casa Cornelia Law Center Celebrates 25th Anniversary

May 15, 2019 Carmen M. Chavez, Esq – Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center Casa Cornelia Law Center is a sponsored ministry by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. At Casa Cornelia’s 25th Anniversary Celebration last October, Board Chair Deacon Jim Vargas announced an $8.5 million 25th Anniversary Campaign which will conclude in October 2020. Campaign funds will […]

SC LAMP Staff Members Celebrate 20 Years of Caring Service

May 8, 2019 Diana Pinto – Executive Director, South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP) As we celebrate 25 years of empowering families through education, two of our Early Childhood Teachers celebrate 20 years of providing a caring and supportive learning environment for the littlest of our participants. Teachers Leti (née Leticia Larios) and Blanca […]

Providence Center: For 25 Years a Place of Peace

May 1, 2019 David Chiles – Executive Director, Providence Center Providence Center will be celebrating our 25th anniversary on May 2nd, a quarter of a century built on the vision of Sr. Nancy Hagenbach’s vision, the unrelenting fidelity of the Holy Child Sisters, and the Sisters’ partnership with the people of Fairhill. This is a […]

Dr. Jane Goodall Inspires Students at Mayfield Junior School

April 12, 2019 World-renowned anthropologist Dr. Jane Goodall visited Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus in Pasadena to share insight into her nearly 60 years of groundbreaking research that redefined the relationship between humans and animals and shaped the conversation of conservation in the 21st century. During her nearly one-hour talk, Dr. Goodall […]

Persistence: A Journey from Cristo Rey to Iowa and Back Again

April 3, 2019 Preston Kendall, President, Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Jonathan Catalan graduated from Cristo Rey St. Martin in 2014 and from Loras College in 2018 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. He was […]

Cristo Rey New York Puts on Black History Month Gala

March 26, 2019 Dan Dougherty, President, Cristo Rey New York High School Every year, Cristo Rey New York puts on a spectacular gala to celebrate Black History Month. The theme of this year’s gala was “Let Me Tell You a Story of Black Success.” When thinking of Black history, many times there is an understandable […]

WSG Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

March 6, 2019 Dr. Beth Reaves – Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG) Washington School for Girls celebrates Catholic Schools Week. Every year, we take this time to reflect on what it means to be a Catholic school, and how we can incorporate those values into every day of learning. The week began […]

Hope Partnership Goes Global

February 27, 2019 Rose Martin, RSM, Executive Director, Hope Partnership for Education Have you ever seen a mummy before? Hope Partnership’s 7th Grade students had the pleasure when they joined peers from across the Philadelphia region to participate in the World Affair Council / Junior Model United Nations Program. This year’s global competency course was […]

Surrounded by Crisis, Providence Center Brings Joy

February 6, 2019 David Chiles – Executive Director, Providence Center Providence Center is a sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Recently released statistics revealed that the poverty rate in the Fairhill section of North Philadelphia has risen to 61%. We are the economically poorest community in the United States’ poorest large […]