Casa Cornelia Law Center: Our 2018 Milestones

January 30, 2019 By Rosa E. Mitsumasu Scotti As we reflect on the gifts, challenges, and opportunities brought to Casa Cornelia in 2018, we would like to share our deepest gratitude with you for directly participating in our mission to provide quality pro bono legal services to vulnerable communities in Southern California. Your generosity resulted […]

Oak Knoll School Unveils Student-Designed Stained-Glass Window of Holy Child

January 22, 2019 More than a year’s worth of work by Oak Knoll alumna and artist Christina Nguyen ’18 culminated Tuesday, January 9th, 2019, when the school officially unveiled a beautiful stained-glass display she designed to greet worshipers entering the Upper School chapel. The roughly 6-by-8-foot, three-panel depiction of the Holy Child being held by the Virgin […]

SC LAMP Mothers Helping Others at the Border

January 22, 2019 Diana Pinto, Executive Director, South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP) SC LAMP is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Paulo Coelho said, “the world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” The mothers at SC LAMP, who have been changed by the generosity of the Sisters, […]

Holy Child School at Rosemont Students Receive Reconciliation

December 12, 2018 Second grade students from the Holy Child School at Rosemont pose with the lambs they created before receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday, December 6, at Rosemont College’s Immaculate Conception Chapel. Congratulations to all! Founded by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus in […]

Cristo Rey Alumna Determined to Give Back

November 26, 2018 Since she graduated from Cristo Rey St. Martin in 2010, Paola Cazares graduated from Dartmouth College, ran the Ivy League institution’s Spanish speaking Affinity House and currently works at a primary care clinic in Waukegan. As a medical scribe and clinical information specialist, her goal is to become a physician. At Oak […]

Core Value Focus at WSG this Year is on Peacemaking

November 7, 2018 Dr. Beth Reaves – Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG) Washington School for Girls is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. At the Washington School for Girls (WSG), the beginning of the school year has focused on building community and helping students to understand how […]

25 Years of Empowering Women and Children in South Central Los Angeles

October 31, 2018 South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (South Central LAMP) marked its 25th anniversary this month! On Saturday, October 20, South Central LAMP joined with friends, benefactors, and volunteers for celebratory brunch and an award ceremony. South Central LAMP provides a supportive, nurturing learning environment for at-risk women and families. The organization offers […]

Hope Partnership: Coming Full Circle

Rose Martin, RSM, Executive Director, Hope Partnership for Education Hope Partnership for Education is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Meet Hope Partnership’s new Enrichment and Summer Program Coordinator, Ms. Brittany Tannehill. This insightful, brave and bold young woman has already made a big splash. She quickly organized the first […]

Providence Center Launches ¡YÁ! Teen Group

October 17, 2018 David Chiles – Executive Director, Providence Center Providence Center is a Sponsored Ministry of the Society of Holy Child Jesus. ¡YÁ! is Providence Center’s new teen service and advocacy group. In Spanish, “¡YÁ!” means, “Enough!” Working on environmental projects and community gardens, our teens are saying enough to dirty parks and playgrounds, […]