DIRECTIONS Casa Cornelia, Via Francesco Nullo 6, Rome 00152
Tel: 06 6156 1902
Via Francesco Nullo is in Monteverde Vecchio, not far from Salvator Mundi Hospital. It is a small street (next to a tiny public garden) halfway along Via Fratelli Bandiera. There is parking nearby.
There are many one-way streets so maybe trust your GPS if you are driving!!
Recommended route from Piazza Venetia (allow about ¾ hr). Get tram 8 (to the left of Piazza Venetia if the Victor Emmanuel monument is behind you.) TRAM MAP
Get off tram 8 at the 3rd stop after crossing the R. Tiber. Turn right from the stop along Viale di Trastevere and first left to Via Emilio Morosini. The bus stop for the 75 or 44 is on the right, not far along the road. The length of time waiting for the bus can vary from about 10 mins to ??!
If you catch the 75 (the bus taking you nearer to Via Francesco Nullo), get off at the 3nd stop (beyond the church, Regina Pacis), cross the road and, a little to the left, turn along Via Alberto Mario. Via Francesco Nullo is at the top of that road, next to the public garden.
If you catch the 44, get off at the 1st stop on Via Guicinto Carini and walk onwards passing the parish church, Regina Pacis, cross the road and turn left along Via Alberto Mario.
N.B. The 75 starts at Termini.
Alternatively, take the train to Quattro Venti, turn right from the station and first right again along Via Raffaelo Giovagnoli. At the T-junction, cross over and turn right along Via Guicinto Carini, then left Via Alberto Mario and Via Francesco Nullo is at the top of that road. It maybe takes 10 mins to walk from the station.

From Via Francesco Nullo
For limited walking: The nearest bus stop is for the 75. (see map at right) Cross Via Fratelli Bandiera at the top of Via Francesco Nullo to Via Alberto Mario and turn first right to Via Alessandro Poerie. The stop is in front of a small bar/café. Get off when the bus crosses the road, Viale di Trastevere (the road where the trams are), and walk back to catch the tram.
The tram stop is in the middle of the road. Tram 8 goes left to Piazza Venezia via Largo di Torre Argentina. Tram 3 terminal is Piazzale Ostiense. It takes about 20/30 minutes to get to Piazza Venezia.
For those willing to walk: Going down 200+ steps is the quickest way to get into the centre of Rome! Turn right on Via Fratelli Bandiera and right down the steps to Vialo Aurelio Saffi. Turn right down the wooden steps, turn left at the bottom, and very soon there are other flights of steps on the right down to Viale di Trastevere. (see map below)
The tram stop is in the middle of the road. Tram 8 goes left to Piazza Venezia via Largo di Torre Argentina. Tram 3 terminal is Piazzale Ostiense. It takes about 20/30 minutes to get to Piazza Venezia.
[A taxi from Largo di Torre Argentina costs around €7!]