16 November, 2020
The event of the 10th anniversary and opening of the hospital extension of Cornelian Maternity and Rural Health Care Centre took place on 23rd October 2020 at the clinic premises.

In his homily the Archbishop affirmed SHCJ for taking the humble bold step of initiating the Cornelian Maternity and Rural Healthcare Centre (CMRHC) for the service of God’s people. Also, he appreciated the effort the Sisters made towards building the extension that will enable them to sustain larger provision of services to the people of God. He blessed the donors who made this extension possible.
He acknowledged the presence of the ‘Cornelian Babies’ referring to babies who were born in the hospital since its inception till date, a total of 775 babies. Among other things he urged the Sisters to sustain their spirit of humility, love, charity and care for one another and others, which is what the world needs in order to continue to bear faithfulness to God.
After the Holy Mass, the hospital was blessed and the plague unveiled.

This was followed by refreshment in the convent for the Archbishop, the priests and religious. Meanwhile other guests had their refreshment served where they were seated. The opening prayer for the reception was said by Fr. Paschal Ononuju, SJ, followed by presentation of Kola and cutting of the anniversary cake. The Clinic Administrator, Rev. Sr. Celestine Onyia, SHCJ, gave the welcome address. Some of the highlights of the day was the narration of the brief history of early beginnings of CMRHC by Dr. Bunmi Mojoyinola, a medical doctor that works at CMRHC.
Cornelian Maternity and Rural Healthcare began in April 2010, born out of the desire to provide medical facility for the Gidan Mangoro local community and its environs, who before now used to receive medication treatment at Loyola Jesuit College (LJC). But as the school population grew bigger, it can no longer accommodate the populace of the Gidan Mangoro, thus in collaboration with the pioneer principal of LJC, the Sisters were able to raise the initial funding to build the clinic. Its pioneer administrator is Sr. Ceclia Nya, SHCJ. At its inception the clinic started with 4 bedded rooms with seven staff and a pharmacy unit. So far, the clinic has successfully delivered 775 live babies.

In 2014, the clinic upgraded its bed space to six and gradually its staff strength has risen to 32 with a standard eye clinic unit. To the glory of God, CMRHC opens its new house today, 23rd October 2020 and the new facility upgrades the bed spaces to 20, with a standard theatre room, an ultra-labour room and standard Pharmacy unit.
Other highlight events of the day were presentation of gifts to the Cornelian Babies and long serving staff. The Cornelian babies grace the occasion with a resounding dance show to the excitement of all who were in attendance. The closing remark by Dr. Ini Okon whilst the closing prayer was said by Sr. Justina Chikezie, SHCJ, the zonal leader, Abuja and Chad.
To God be the glory for all that happened on this day!
Report by Sr Chika Eze, SHCJ.
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