Celebrate World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation with the Holy Child Sisters and the world community. Make time between September 1st – October 4th to reflect and pray with us.
European Province Dedicates Funds to Help Refugees
24 August 2016 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus has made the global refugee crisis a priority for its prayer and action. The Society’s European Province is using funds from a recent sale of property in Preston, England, to fund projects that work with displaced people. One of organizations receiving a donation is Revive, […]
New Participants ‘Step Into the Gap’

10 August 2016 By Anne Stewart, SHCJ The eight new Step Into the Gap volunteers recently had their induction in London at Romero House. We have twin sisters on the programme this year so this is a first for us! Nothing is finally settled yet, but it looks as if the international placements will be […]
SHCJ Made House Patrons at Holy Child Killiney

15 June 2016 By Caoimhe Devaney and Nicola Kenny, Holy Child School Killiney Click here to see more photos. Last October 13 students and two staff visited our sister Holy Child school in Mayfield, Sussex. We were there for the special Cornelian Spirit Day celebrations on October 15th to mark the founding of the Society of […]
Cornelia Connelly and the ‘Big Feasts’ Before Summer

June 9, 2016 By Jeanne Marie Hatch, SHCJ, Vice President for Mission, Rosemont College Every year the feasts of Pentecost, the Blessed Trinity, Corpus Christi, and the Sacred Heart arrive on the calendar very near to Commencement, week after week. I noticed that fact many, many years ago when I was a student myself. Those […]
The New ‘Our Cornelia’ Newsletter is Here!
Earth Day Prayer 2016
By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ (Link to original blog post) Earth Day, April 22, 2016, marks the 46th anniversary of the first Earth Day, arguably the beginning of the environmental movement in the United States. We celebrate Earth Day during the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the time of liturgical celebrations in several […]
Society Leadership Team Elected

April 8, 2016 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is delighted to announce that the Leadership Team for the years 2016-2022 has been elected at the Delegate Session of its 27th General Chapter in Nemi, Italy. Veronica Openibo, SHCJ, was re-elected Society Leader by the delegates. She was elected to her first term in […]