SHCJ Associate Reflects on Writing Cornelia Connelly Book

In the spirit of Cornelia Connelly, SHCJ Associate Judith “Judy” Talvacchia graciously answered “yes” to the Society’s request to author a book on its foundress. Approximately 26,000 copies of the English version have been distributed internationally, and a Spanish version will be released this fall. By Judith Talvacchia, SHCJ Associate
 Cornelia Connelly has always been […]

Preston Mass: Read the Homily

The Mass to mark the closing of our community house in Preston and to celebrate the Society’s presence in the town since 1853 took place at St Wilfrid’s church on Thursday afternoon, 15 October. You can read Looking Back at 160 Years in Preston here. Below is the homily read at the Mass. Preston celebration: […]

SHCJ Sisters on BBC Radio

On October 18 Sisters Agnes Dobson and Philomena Grimley were part of a radio interview on a faith-based BBC Radio Lancashire program about SHCJ’s 162 years in Preston, England. Click here to listen to the program. The story about SHCJ in Preston begins around the 1:47:50 mark. The Mass to mark the closing of our […]

Preston Mass: Read the Welcome

The Mass to mark the closing of our community house in Preston and to celebrate the Society’s presence in the town since 1853 took place at St Wilfrid’s church on Thursday afternoon, 15 October. You can read Looking Back at 160 Years in Preston here. Below is the welcome text read at the Mass. Preston […]

Download a New Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource

Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ, celebrates the release of Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource: On Care for Our Common Home. Gather family, friends, parishioners, religious, students, or faculty to experience the power and inspiration of Pope Francis’ words. This resource is available at Some advantages of Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource: Reading, praying, and discussing quotes from the Encyclical in […]

Celebrating SHCJ’s History in Preston

On Friday, 16 October 2015, The Society of the Holy Child Jesus will be celebrating the life and ministry of Holy Child sisters in Preston over the last 160 or more years. It is with sadness that we close our last community house here. But we are confident that the practice of loyal and robust […]

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Pope Francis has proclaimed a “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,” which will be celebrated annually on September 1. Inspired by the Laudato Si’ encyclical, the Global Catholic Climate Movement invites Catholics to celebrate the “Season of Creation” worldwide, following the example of other Christian denominations and the Catholic Bishops of the […]

Congratulations Jubilarians!

Many of our Society members recently celebrated their Jubilees. Watch the video below and express your congratulations on our Facebook page. [vimeo id=”132973998″] 50 Years Barbara Bartlett, SHCJ; Margaret Mary Bell, SHCJ; Catherine Callaghan, SHCJ; Elizabeth Gilmore, SHCJ; Carol Ann Knight, SHCJ; and Bernadette Longtin, SHCJ; Teresa Okura, SHCJ 60 Years Jane Dawley, SHCJ; Mary […]

Top Takeaways From ‘Laudato Si”

On June 18 Pope Francis’s encyclical on climate change, Laudato Si’, was made public. James Martin, S.J. has published “top ten takeaways” from the Holy Father’s encyclical on climate change. The list includes: 1)    The spiritual perspective is now part of the discussion on the environment. 2)    The poor are disproportionately affected by climate change. 3)    Less is […]

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment

By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ WHEN: The Pope’s highly anticipated first encyclical is expected to be published June 18th, 2015. TITLE: The expected title is “Laudato sii” (Be Praised or Praised Be), from St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Creation praising elements of creation and naming them as kin. (How prescient for one untaught in modern science!) […]