Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment

By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ WHEN: The Pope’s highly anticipated first encyclical is expected to be published June 18th, 2015. TITLE: The expected title is “Laudato sii” (Be Praised or Praised Be), from St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Creation praising elements of creation and naming them as kin. (How prescient for one untaught in modern science!) […]

Meet Veronica Ufomba: A New Novice Director

The Society of the Holy Child’s next Novice Director of the African Province is preparing to head back to her native Nigeria. Veronica Ufomba will start her new position beginning September 1. She first moved to the United States in 2011 to teach at the Washington School for Girls. Two years later she entered Villanova […]

What is Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation?

A human being is part of the whole. To experience ourselves as something separate from the rest is a kind of optical delusion. This delusion is a kind of prison for us. – Albert Einstein By Jean Newbold, SHCJ The great gift of modern cosmology, which tells the Story of the Universe as far as […]

Statement on the Release of Megan Rice, SHCJ

Statement from Mary Ann Buckley, SHCJ Society of the Holy Child Jesus American Province Leader May 16, 2015 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is pleased to learn that Megan Rice, SHCJ, has been released from prison after serving more than two years for trespassing and defacing government property at a federal enriched uranium […]

SHCJ Talk Discernment on ‘A Nun’s Life’ Podcast

Anita Quigley, SHCJ, Director of Vocations for the American Province, and Pat Phillips, SHCJ, Executive Director of Wordnet, recently spoke about discernment, prayer, and spirituality on a podcast with A Nun’s Life Ministry. The 55-minute podcast was recorded live on April 24 in Rosemont, Pa., USA. There were about 40 people in the live audience […]

Peter (A Poem)

By Julian Breakell, SHCJ Not I, Lord, not I……………….. I’ve failed him He turned to look at me, All he wanted was a look, He didn’t ask for words or actions.. Just a look of understanding, recognition, friendship. And I’ve failed him. He called me in his need and I couldn’t answer his call. He […]

We’re Going to Be on Motherhouse Road Trip!

A Nun’s Life Ministry will be visiting SHCJ’s Rosemont, Pa. home New Sharon on a Motherhouse Road Trip, Friday, April 24, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. The “Road Trip” is a podcast that is live-streamed (audio and video) over the Internet. Anita Quigley, SHCJ, Director of Vocations for the American Province, and Pat Phillips, SHCJ will join […]

Commemorate Spring Equinox

By Terri Mackenzie SHCJ (Read her blog post on the Spring Equinox in full.) You have surely noticed that daylight is increasing in the Northern Hemisphere (or that it is lessening in the Southern). No doubt our ancestors — dating back aeons — noticed this, too. By all means participate this spring in whatever celebrations […]

Five Poppies – A Poem Inspired by the Horrors of War

By Helen Forshaw SHCJ This year and this season, Lent, memories of that terrible, most pointless of wars, the First World War, are so fresh again around the world. The context for the creation of this poem was a small SHCJ meeting at a Bernadine Convent in July 1992. They had a beautiful chapel, the altar made of […]

Child Safeguarding Audit Report

10 February 2015 The National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) today launched the reports of recent audits conducted in religious congregations. The report for the Society of the Holy Child Jesus in Ireland can be read by clicking here. The Society wishes to confirm that they will […]