12 August 2016 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus has made the global refugee crisis a priority for prayer and action. The Society’s European Province is using some funds from a recent sale of property in Preston, England, to fund projects that work with migrants. One of these is Revive, a community project that […]
A special Thanksgiving Mass was held Saturday 18th June in the Mayfield Chapel of Mayfield School, UK, to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary. This special anniversary Mass featured the premiere of a specially commissioned setting of Cornelia Connelly’s prayer ‘Let us love one another’, composed by Sir James MacMillan, the internationally acclaimed composer, and performed […]
27 April, 2022 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is delighted to announce that the Leadership Team for the years 2022-2028 has been elected at the Delegate Session of its 28th General Chapter in Nemi, Italy. Sr. Pauline Darby, a member of the European Province, was elected to a six-year term as Society Leader. She […]