From the Archives: War Time Journeys
175th Celebration in the European Province
Letter and Prayer to Open the 175th Anniversary
Pope Francis on Our Moral Imperative to Act
Season of Creation 2020: Jubilee for the Earth
1 September, 2020 The Season of Creation then begins on September 1 to October 4, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. 2.2 billion Christians are united for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. You, too, can join them! As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share […]
Archives: Oxford and the work of SHCJ in Further Education

The first two SHCJ to study at Oxford, Mother Mary Amadeus Atchison and Mother Mary Theodore White, took their final exams in the summer of 1908, completing their vivas on 23rd July. To mark this beginning in university education for the Society and to celebrate the first class degree obtained by a Mayfield alumnus announced […]
The SHCJ and the Second World War

26 May, 2020 Despite current circumstances, the 75th anniversary of VE day was still honoured and enjoyed this month as we reflected on the bravery of those involved in the war effort then and those tackling the pandemic now. It has been a privilege to hear in person sisters’ experiences of the Second World War […]
Celebrate Laudato Si’ Week
11 May 2020 The Church and the whole global community will celebrate the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’ from May 16-24, 2020. As part of the American Province’s celebration, a special prayer and video has been prepared for Sisters, Associates, staff, and friends, with the hope that we will all mark this anniversary and listen […]
From the Archives: ‘In All Their Variety’

29 April, 2020 During the season of new shoots and blossoms, this month’s article investigates the vegetable gardens and crops grown in Holy Child schools and communities. It celebrates how the efforts of sisters, staff and pupils in these endeavors reflect Cornelia’s industrious spirit during the hardest of ordeals. Eastertide brought many significant moments in […]