Priory School Shortlisted as ‘Secondary School of the Year’

20 June 2018 Priory School Edgbaston in Birmingham been shortlisted as ‘secondary school of the year 2018!’ by the West Midlands Education Awards. [arve url=”″ /] Priory School has been providing children with an exceptional education for over 80 years. It was founded in 1936, on the Catholic values of Cornelia Connelly and the Society of […]

World Refugee Day

11 June, 2018 By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ, editor of the website Ecospirituality Resources Where do they come from, these human beings who so upset “natives” of many countries who themselves might date to immigrants?   They are escaping from war and persecution in Syria; they are fleeing genocide in Myanmar (Burma), overwhelming resources in Bangladesh; […]

Mayfield Schola Members Reunite

19 April 2018 Click for the day in video. On Saturday 17th March, nearly 400 people packed into the Mayfield School Chapel to attend Mass for St. Patrick. This was the high point of the greatly anticipated Schola Reunion, an event which saw over 200 past members of the school’s choirs return to Mayfield for […]

Mayfield Alumna Earns Kudos for Research on Play

9 February 2018 Ghislaine Kenyon, alumna of Mayfield school, has been recognized for her work as creative and research consultant on Waltz With Me, a new play inspired by the life of Cornelia Connelly, foundress of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Nominated by playwright Diane Samuels, Kenyon was a recipient this year of a Olwen Wymark Award for […]

Priory School Prayer Garden Dedicated to Holy Child Sister

10 January 2018 Recently, Priory School Edgbaston in Birmingham welcomed Holy Child Sister Monica Matthews to open The Sister Monica Prayer Garden in its beautiful grounds. Sister Monica is a former teacher at the school who also dedicates her time to the successful running of the school in her role as a school governor. The […]

Report: Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network

12 December 2017 Myra Cumming, SHCJ, produces the Africa Action Sheet for the Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEJN). The most recent issue can be found below: [arve url=”” mode=”normal” /]  

Loaves and Fishes Chapter Three!

9 November 2017 By Philomena Grimley, SHCJ Recently, it was a very special day for the LOAVES and FISHES Project in Salford, England. It marked the formal opening of their new and permanent home on Paddington Close, near the Salford shopping precinct. It was the Bishop of Salford, John Arnold, who described this as Chapter […]

Actions Not Words: A Holy Child Exchange

11 October 2017 This report is taken from the Priory School Edgbaston. At the 2017 Society of the Holy Child Jesus (SHCJ) conference lead by Sister Monica Matthews, Priory School‘s Assistant Head Teacher and former Holy Child School pupil Sarah Mullin, and Holy Child Killiney‘s Junior Year Head Fionnuala O’Leary, shared examples of good practice from each other’s […]

Holy Child School Killiney Launches 70th Anniversary

20 September 2017 Reported by Holy Child School Killiney On Friday 15th September Holy Child Killiney celebrated 70 years of Actions not Words. The school first opened its doors to 34 students on 15 September, 1947, and 70 years later exactly, this special day was marked by a Mass of Celebration, and annual school picnic […]