The leadership team of the European Province is made up of four sisters who, in the words of the Constitutions, provide a pastoral ministry of love and service, combining spiritual leadership and administration.

Some of the words and phrases from the Society’s Constitutions describe what they do: unifying, facilitating growth, promoting the common good and directing resources. In this work they are answerable to both the province and the Society as a whole.
As a registered charity, the Society also has to ensure that all legal and financial regulations are satisfied. However, the emphasis is really on people – the sisters themselves and all those with whom they work. It is a challenging and demanding responsibility and a privilege.
We are grateful for their generosity in accepting this ministry. The term of office is from May 1st, 2023 until April 30th, 2026.
Angela O’Connor is Province Leader. She has been on the last Province Leadership Team and was Province Bursar. Prior to that she managed what was until 2023 the Cherwell Centre in Oxford was a Pastoral Worker for the Dublin Archdiocese and worked in Salford Cathedral Centre for homeless and marginalized persons.
Jenny Bullen works as a school counsellor in a secondary school in London. She also uses her counselling skills as a pastoral support teacher, in the primary school where she has been teaching for the past 18 years.
Eileen Crowley lives in Raheny, Dublin, Ireland. She is currently responsible for finances in Ireland, Delegated Liaison Person for Safeguarding and a Trustee member of the Irish Charities.
Judith Lancaster lives in Harrogate, England. She has a ministry in spiritual accompaniment and is currently the Society archivist.