August 17, 2016
By Stella Envulu, SHCJ

In a fast, growing, technological world ruled by materialism and individualism like ours, it is a joy to realize that young people are still willing to give their lives to the service of God and humanity. It is a noble call that is worthwhile. God is worth chasing. It was for this reason that sisters, families and friends gathered on 29th July 2016 at Holy Child Novitiate, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria to witness the first step made by seven novices. Seven Holy Child novices made Temporary Vows in the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. This was a very remarkable and joyful day for the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and the families and friends of the novices.
The arrival of both sisters and families started on 27th. However, the ceremony began on 28th night with a prayer that also introduced families to the way of life their daughters are about to embrace. Three Holy Child sisters spoke briefly about the three evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience after which questions were asked for clarifications.

The day of the ceremony saw the novices, province leader, novice director and priests dance to the entrance hymn by Zumuntan mata to the chapel for the Mass at 10:00am. Rev. Fr Uchu, the chief celebrant admonished the sisters to be focused on Jesus who called them and use their gifts appropriately in their respective ministries. The sisters made their Vows happily in the presence of the Province Leader Sr Philomena Aidoo.
Soon the Mass was over. All ate and drank at a reception. A dance presentation by Maria Gorretti girls from Rukuba gave color to the celebration. The day’s celebration ended with Parents’ night during which families and the newly professed made presentations of different songs and dances from different parts of Nigeria and Ghana. Novices and interested ladies also presented a drama showcasing the different ministries Holy Child sisters are involved in.
We thank God for the gifts of the newly professed sisters Felicia, Francisca, Jacinta, Mary, Perpetua, Theresa and Victoria.
We pray that God may strengthen their resolve to follow Him daily. May He bring to fruition what He has started in them. AMEN!
CONGRATULATION Sisters and a very warm welcome to our SHCJ family!!!

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