3 May 2017
Diana Pinto, Executive Director, South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP)
This time of year reminds me to take a moment and reflect on all the good which surrounds me. After working at South Central LAMP for eight years, because of two incredibly inspiring women with whom I have worked, I have grown both personally and professionally. To them, I owe a profound debt of gratitude, and I am pleased and full of pride to introduce them to you.

Sr. Cathy Garcia, our ESL Coordinator, has taught me so much about self-love and self-care. Her wisdom permeates and transforms all with whom she comes in contact, in or outside her classroom, children and adult alike. Annually, Sr. Cathy coordinates a Women’s International Day event. As one of the mom participants said this year, “I never knew there was a day just for women, I never knew that we were valuable.” How deeply moved I was by her sharing! I was reminded anew of the power of Sr. Cathy’s presence among us, that simply being herself, she has enabled us to become more of who we are!
Sr. Helen Santillann is our Family Advocate/Parenting Teacher. With a heart full of ardor and zeal, and with unrelenting love, I have learned so much about community service, on countless levels. Combining pragmatism and compassion, Sr. Helen knows just what each one of us needs, from local resources to a huge hug on a dreary day. Daily, each of these women is a blessing and gift to South Central LAMP.
Love isn’t love until it is given away, and because of Sr. Cathy and Sr. Helen we continue to grow in our understanding of the power of this lesson!
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