Holy Child School Killiney Launches 70th Anniversary

20 September 2017 Reported by Holy Child School Killiney On Friday 15th September Holy Child Killiney celebrated 70 years of Actions not Words. The school first opened its doors to 34 students on 15 September, 1947, and 70 years later exactly, this special day was marked by a Mass of Celebration, and annual school picnic […]

2017 Silver Jubilee and Profession of Vows in Lagos

12 September 2017 By Anne Schulte, SHCJ In rainy Lagos, our first prayer that morning was “Thank God for a beautiful day!” Over 120 SHCJ sisters and many members from the seven families, had all travelled from different parts of Nigeria and Ghana in order to be present for this special celebration on August 12, […]

Season of Creation 2017

23 August 2017 From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world are celebrating the “Season of Creation.” In her blog, Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ, shares a few ways to participate in the Season… From September 1— proclaimed a Day of Prayer for Creation by the Orthodox in 1989 and repeated by Pope Francis in […]

Holy Child Founder Cornelia Connelly in the News

2 August 2017 Catholic Philly featured a story on Cornelia Connelly, who founded our Society in 1846. Despite a few inaccuracies, the piece is well-written and presents a good account of her life. We are thankful for the coverage! To read the article, please click the link below. Strong-willed American woman remains saintly role model

Photos: Cultural Day at Holy Child School, Otukpo

26 July 2017 The Holy Child Model Nursery and Primary School in Otukpo, Nigeria recently celebrated its annual cultural day. WATCH A VIDEO OF THE DAY HERE It was a successful celebration. And although it was rainy season, God granted us good weather and the staff, pupils and parents enjoyed the day. After the Mass […]

Pictures: Holy Child College of Education Graduation

12 July 2017 Holy Child College of Education (HCCE), located in Takoradi, Ghana, recently celebrated graduation of its 2016-17 class. Click on the photos below to enlarge them. HCCE is a college of excellence in teacher education that provides professional and academic training to young women who will in turn facilitate learning in basic schools. […]

Eight Reasons to Rethink Plastic Water Bottles

12 July 2017 By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ June 21st marks Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The other half of our planet will move into winter then, but for those who share my half, we’ve already had proof that we’re headed to heat. (E.g., In mid-June Oman’s highest temperature for the day touched 49 ˚C […]

2017-2020 African Province Leadership Announced

21 June 2017 Recently the Society of the Holy Child Jesus appointed a new African Province Leadership Team. Philomena Aidoo, SHCJ, was reappointed as the Leader of the Society’s African Province. Her team members will include Martha Attakruh, SHCJ, (reappointment), Justina Chikezie, SHCJ, Helen Ebede, SHCJ, Oyidu Okwori, SHCJ, and Antoinette Opara, SHCJ (reappointment). Installation […]

Surgeons Inspire Students at Washington School for Girls

21 June, 2017 Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM, Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG) Washington School for Girls is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Our Seventh Grade science classes were recently treated to a visit from six highly-skilled female surgeons from the Inova Health System of Northern Virginia. […]

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations at Apley Grange

14 June 2017 Many SHCJ and friends recently gathered at our care home Apley Grange in Harrogate, England to rejoice with sisters Oswin Marsh, Mary Lalor, Helen Forshaw and Margaret Mary Somerville on their diamond jubilee (60 years). Monsignor Pat Hennessey celebrated the Mass. The Apley Grange staff left no stone unturned to make the […]