African Sisters Education Collaborative

31 May 2017 The African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) was established in 1999 by four Catholic universities in the U.S. and their congregations to support the education of African women religious Society of the Holy Child Jesus (Rosemont College) Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill College) Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of […]

Report: Economy at the Service of Mission

30 May 2017 Recently, Holy Child Sisters Oyidu Okwori, Angela O’Connor and Carol Ann Knight joined 140 women and men from 42 religious congregations for the SEDOS seminar ECONOMY at the Service of Mission. There were five speakers and a team of panelists from each of the five continents. SEDOS is the organization Service of […]

Watch: Playwright’s Presentation About ‘Waltz With Me’

9 May 2017 British playwright Diane Samuels and research consultant Ghislaine Kenyon (alumna of Mayfield School, England) are working on a full-length play called WALTZ WITH ME, which evokes the life of Cornelia Connelly. They visited the United States in April to run workshops on the play at Rosemont College and School of the Holy […]

Cornelia Connelly’s Descendants Visit Mayfield

3 May 2017 By Maria Dinnendahl, SHCJ Recently, some of the Society’s founder Cornelia Connelly‘s family members made a visit to Mayfield, England. Charlotte Vanni d’Archirafi, the Danish wife of Francesco Vanni d’Archirafi, great-great-grandson of Cornelia’s son Frank, contacted Mayfield School and asked if the family could visit, and of course she was told that […]

Meet Sr. Cathy and Sr. Helen of SC LAMP

3 May 2017 Diana Pinto, Executive Director, South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP) This time of year reminds me to take a moment and reflect on all the good which surrounds me. After working at South Central LAMP for eight years, because of two incredibly inspiring women with whom I have worked, I […]

An Inside Look at a New Play Remembering Cornelia Connelly

26 April 2017 British playwright Diane Samuels and research consultant Ghislaine Kenyon (alumna of Mayfield School, England) are working on a full-length play called WALTZ WITH ME, which evokes the life of Cornelia Connelly. They visited the United States in April to run workshops on the play at Rosemont College and School of the Holy […]

Earth Day Prayer 2017

April 17, 2017 By Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ Forty-seven years ago (1970), the deteriorating condition of Mother Earth led to Earth Day in her honor. Begun as a secular observation, faith communities now join on this day to celebrate God’s lavish gifts and to remind us to care for them. Pope Francis’ many documents on care […]

Homily for Cornelia Connelly’s Anniversary

18 April 2017 Society of the Holy Child Jesus founder Cornelia Connelly died on this date in 1879. By Michele Puma, SHCJ The Readings in today’s Liturgy still focus on Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection, we on the other hand have just experienced the suffering and death of Sister Veronica Grover and we are preparing for […]

Short Reflections: Easter Triduum

Holy Thursday ‘…it’s painted with pity and love. It’s not only a loaf of bread and a flagon of wine; it’s the bread of life and the blood of Christ… it’s the daily fare of suffering men and women… It was as though… hardly knowing what he was doing, [the painter] wanted to show you […]

Farewell to Sr. Rosemary Ifeyinwa Atuegbu, SHCJ

April 6, 2017 By Sr. Ann Schulte, SHCJ It was dark outside March 31 as the Sisters began to arrive about 5.30 a.m. to take their seats around the front porch of Keffi Street, Lagos, Nigeria and join in prayer and song. The main gates were opened to let in the funeral car, and to […]