Five Make Temporary Profession of Vows

30 September, 2020 Written by Second Year Novices, Jos, Nigeria The “JAMAS” as we fondly call our predecessors, Josephine Asoloko, Anastasia Kommeh, Maureen Abadom, Angela Odoh and Sharon Iorapuu, radiated with celestial bliss as they processed to the altar of God on 14th September, 2020 to make temporary profession of vows to God.  It was […]

“A Long and Winding Road”: Excerpts from an interview

Preston Kendall, President, Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep “A Long and Winding Road”: Excerpts from an interview with Rogerr Oliva by John Geis Rogerr’s (CRSM ’13 NIU ’19) journey to graduation from Northern Illinois University (NIU) involved enough twists, turns to discourage any driver. But Rogerr (yes, two Rs) is not like most. The […]

Holy Child Sister Speaks on Pandemic in Nigeria

7 July, 2020 A television program on AIT African Independent Television recently featured Sr. Dr. Chika Eze, SHCJ. Click on the 28 minute mark in the video below to watch her. She is a senior lecturer in Veritas University, Abuja, Nigeria.

Covid-19 Responses: Alumni Make SHCJ Proud

17 June, 2020 Ghana, West Africa – The National Union of the Holy Child Past Students Association (NUHOPSA) has done the SHCJ proud, in supporting the poor and the vulnerable in society to cushion the economic hardship brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. In the heat of the prolonged lockdown (April & May, 2020), brought […]

The SHCJ and the Second World War

27 May, 2020 Despite current circumstances, the 75th anniversary of VE day was still honoured and enjoyed this month as we reflected on the bravery of those involved in the war effort then and those tackling the pandemic now. It has been a privilege to hear in person sisters’ experiences of the Second World War […]

Church Curator Pens Reflection on Cornelia Connelly

27 May, 2020 Suzanne Glover Lindsay, historian and curator at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Philadelphia where Society of the Holy Child Jesus founder Cornelia Connelly was baptized in 1831, has written a reflection on Cornelia. “She … accomplished enormously, teaching 20,000 in her first 2 decades, including new teachers who spread her program. Cornelia […]

Pope Francis Renews His Call to Care for the Earth

15 May, 2020 Pope Francis is renewing his “urgent call” five years after the publication of his landmark encyclical “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.” The Society responded to Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment and human ecology, in a number of ways. Six Sisters and two Associates wrote responses to […]

Celebrate Laudato Si’ Week

11 May 2020 The Church and the whole global community will celebrate the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’ from May 16-24, 2020. As part of the American Province’s celebration, a special prayer and video has been prepared for Sisters, Associates, staff, and friends, with the hope that we will all mark this anniversary and listen […]

25 Years in the Making: A Reflection by Carmen Chavez

April 15, 2020 Carmen M. Chavez, Esq. – Executive Director, Casa Cornelia Law Center This year I celebrate my 25th year of association with Casa Cornelia Law Center. It has been a profound journey of hard work, accomplishment, and adversity. I cherish what has become my life’s work. I remain always grateful to the Sisters […]

From the Archives: SHCJ Spring in England

14 April 2020 In February 1853, five Holy Child Sisters were sent to Preston, England to answer the call of the Jesuit fathers to take charge of their schools. The fathers had originally requested the SHCJ to come to Preston as the small community prepared to leave Derby in 1848. M. Emily Bowles related to […]